"It's interesting! We immortals can't make these two attributes blend together perfectly, but these mortals did it!"

"Huh, how about it? They are mortals after all, with such a small amount of power, it is impossible to defeat our immortals!"

The immortals affirmed the combined attack of Zhi Wu and Hu Yanxiu, but they did not take it seriously. They marveled that the two attributes of ice and fire could be perfectly integrated, but they felt that due to the body of mortals, their explosive power was also limited!

Boom boom boom!

Alternating red and blue fire bursts, falling on the immortal, exploding with a dazzling fire.

"Huh, sure enough..."

An immortal curled his mouth and was very disdainful of such a painless attack. He just wanted to slap the flames away, but found that the flames became more and more blazing, and began to burn his fairy body.

"What's the matter? These fire lights can burn my fairy body?"

"Be careful! These flames are not easy, quickly avoid it!!"

All the immortals were taken aback by the sudden change, thinking that these ordinary fires could not hurt them, but they didn't expect to be caught off guard.

"Huh, what about the fairy? Me and Xiao Xiuxiu's ultimate move, we must make you cry father and mother!!" Zhi Wu snorted coldly, his face full of mockery at the fairy. "Let you look down on us!"

What happened to them mortals? Is it destined to be inferior to the fairy?

Do not!

He would never admit it!

Even if it is a mortal, as long as the mind is firm enough and the strength is strong enough, the immortal is nothing but this!

"Zhi Wu, I usually think you are a little ignorant. But now I want to give you a thumbs up!" Hu Yanxiu glanced at Zhi Wu and expressed affirmation of this funny.

"Xiaoxiuxiu, what are you talking about?" Zhi Wu rolled her eyes, flicked her short red hair, and said angrily: "No matter it is usually or now, I am very smart!"

Hu Yanxiu didn't bother to pay attention to his stinky beauty, flashed away, brandished a long sword, and killed an immortal.

"Hey, what do you mean by leaving? Isn't it?" Zhi Wu pouted, feeling depressed, but still hurriedly followed, and Hu Yanxiu joined forces to deal with the immortal.

With the strong shock of Zhi Wu and Hu Yanxiu, everyone was inspired, fighting with the immortals more desperately!

Who says that mortals are inferior to immortals?

Today, they will use the body of a mortal to destroy him as a fairy!

At this time, Luo Xiaoman forced an immortal back with a hammer, and took the time to glance at the situation, and saw that the current situation was quite unfavorable for them!

Without Zhiwu's support, the enchantment was under intense impact.

Although the number of immortals is smaller than them, they have an absolute advantage in quality. There is still nothing to be seen. Once the time stretches, it may gradually show fatigue.

"Everyone listened to the order, immediately formed a battle formation, and used a battle formation as a unit to deal with an immortal, so as to kill the target in the shortest time!"

Following Luo Xiaoman's instructions, everyone immediately adjusted and formed a battle formation against a fairy.

After this adjustment, the battle situation finally got back a little advantage, and the immortals were a little uncomfortable being beaten by the battle.

"Be careful, Xian'er!" Luo Mushan brandished a big knife, severely split a fairy and rescued Xian'er from danger.

"Master, the situation is not so good." Xian'er clenched the whip tightly, panting slightly, sweat on his forehead.

It was a bit too reluctant to ask her a middle-aged woman to deal with a fairy.

However, what has to be admired is that such a woman can actually be on par with the fairy.

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