If it weren't for the physical strength to keep up, it is estimated that the strength of this fairy is not as good as Xian'er.

"Xian'er, I understand!" Luo Mushan held a big knife in his hand and stood in front of Xian'er, guarding against the immortals who approached, and said solemnly: "Among these immortals, there are not only golden immortals, but also Da Luo Jinxian and real immortals. Although the current battle situation is stalemate, these immortals have not tried their best at all."

After all, they still look down on mortals and despise them from the bottom of their hearts!

"Could it be..." Suddenly, Xian'er's eyes sank, and when she quickly turned around, she saw several immortals hiding in the periphery, quietly gaining momentum.

At the same time, a terrifying coercion is spreading from their bodies. "Quick, stop them!!"

After being yelled at by Xian'er, other people also noticed the movements of these immortals. No matter what they were going to do next, it was definitely not a good thing!

For a time, everyone killed the immortals one after another.

"Brother, give me cover!!" Luo Qinghen reacted, greeted Hongmeng Super Invincible General, while letting the iron egg attach to him, making his might become even more tyrannical.

The general who was possessed by the iron egg turned bright and powerful!

"Okay!" Luo Qingyi nodded, and then called Shui Yuan to summon it, and then swayed a soft light to heal everyone's injuries and supplement the loss of True Yuan.

At the same time, Chen Muyu and his two tacitly cooperated to cover Luo Qinghen and forcibly pulled out a channel!

"I want to make small moves, dreams!!" Luo Qinghen sneered coldly, and with a thought, Hongmeng Super Invincible General immediately turned into a giant cannon.

Immediately afterwards, the puppet black panther flew over, took the giant cannon, and aimed at these immortals.

The expressions of these immortals were solemn. Although the mortals around were constantly flying over, but there were other immortals blocking them, they didn't need to care too much, they just needed to complete their momentum.

However, facing this giant cannon, their hearts trembled slightly.

"Don't panic! This giant cannon has only one shape and can't threaten us!" One of the immortals curled his lips and said mockingly: "Don't forget, they are mortals! Mortal attacks are not enough to harm us. Fairy body!"

However, they feel so good about themselves!

After the Battle of Slashing Immortals broke out, the attack of Slashing Immortals army had already caused many immortals to fall, how could they not hurt their immortal bodies?

It's just that the contempt for mortals has penetrated into the bones of these immortals, so that they have fallen into an arrogant misunderstanding!

"Haha, you dare to underestimate Hongmeng's Super Invincible General, but you have to pay a price!" Luo Qinghen curled his lips, showing a gloomy color, and then took out a radiant, heavy and powerful Warcraft crystal core.

"This is a seventh-level monster core?!" Luo Mushan couldn't help taking a breath when he saw this monster core, and couldn't imagine where Luo Qinghen got such a good thing.

"It's Xiaoman!" Xian'er next to him explained his doubts: "At the beginning, Xiaoman came back from the ghost road. He should have encountered a 7th-level monster and killed it. This 7th-level monster core is right. It was dug out from that monster."

Luo Mushan nodded clearly. If it were in the past, he would be timid to face the seventh-level monsters, but now that the three realms and six ways merge, all kinds of monsters and ghosts have appeared, and the deterrent power of the seventh-level monsters has been weakened. less.

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