The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1900: Three forms of breaking the dome, the third form!

For a time, the army of slashing immortals, the demon army, etc., all followed and killed.

They are going to rush into the Nineth Heaven!

When the army of Slashing Immortals slammed into the third heaven, Zitong immediately took over the command of the floating city.

"Blue Mark, prepare a cannon on earth, and support at any time! Others are on standby and follow the deployment!"


After arranging everything, Zitong breathed a sigh of relief and raised his eyes to look at the murderous figures.

From now on, the war will not stop, and only one party can completely lose the war to end this war.

The battle is fierce!

Although the fairy army relied on the heavy heavens as their barriers and could intercept the enemy army, the human cannons of the floating city easily tore their barriers.

This is definitely their nemesis!

However, when the battle damage became more and more serious and morale became more and more sluggish, the Celestial Slashing army had already reached the fifth heaven. They originally thought that the barrier of the fifth heaven could be blocked, but in the end a gap was torn open.

Immediately afterwards, these immortal-cutting troops rushed in like locusts.

They have an absolute advantage in numbers, adhering to the principle of being able to fight in groups and never single out, almost dozens of them besieged a golden immortal together.

Fairy general?

Then hundreds of people will join together!

It's just that the price of such a price is the heavy casualties on the side of the Celestial Cutting Army, and it is the result of the exchange of human lives!

"Lunatic, you are all a bunch of lunatics!" A true immortal was besieged by dozens of immortal army troops, and they were playing in desperate ways, making him a little confused!

"Retreat, quickly retreat to the sixth heaven!!"

"Retreat? Where are you going to retreat? The back road was cut off by them!!"

"We have no choice but to fight to the death!!"

At this time, the immortals were also driven crazy!

They also gave up their defenses and played their lives with the army of the immortals!

"Marshal Luo, our deaths and injuries have exceeded expectations." Qiang Wenwu flew over and said out of breath: "Moreover, these immortals have also begun to realize that they are going to fight with us. If this continues, we are afraid that our casualties will Bigger!"

Luo Xiaoman frowned tightly, a complex emotion surged in his heart.

She was also very uncomfortable watching the people who killed the immortal army fell, but the war was so cruel. If you don't go, no one will go, and they will eventually perish together.

In order to protect the precious things, always have to pay for it!

"Xiao Kun!" Luo Xiaoman sighed, and then put the big hammer on his shoulders, a determination flashed in his eyes.

"Guardian for me."

"Xiaoman?" Kunlun was slightly startled, looking at her worriedly.

Although Xiaoman didn't say what she was going to do, his heart was lingering in anxiety.

"It's okay." Luo Xiaoman smiled at him and said faintly: "It's just that this trick consumes a lot of true yuan, and it takes a long time to prepare. By then, it will leave me in a weak state."


"Can I trust you?"

Kunlun's heart tightened, and then nodded, blocking her.

Seeing this tall figure, Luo Xiaoman curled the corners of his lips, and then his eyes gradually sank, and the true essence of Qi Hai rolled frantically.

"Second brother, get ready for the world cannon!"


"Next, I will go into the Nine Heavens in one rush, and catch the Supreme Old Thief out!"

Hearing Luo Xiaoman's rhetoric, the fighting spirit of the celestial army was even more intense, and even more frantically to kill the immortal.

"Three styles of breaking the sky, the third style, cracking the sky!!"

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