The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1901: Supernatural killer move!

The three forms of breaking the sky are the ultimate move that Luo Xiaoman has practiced from the beginning!

It seems simple, but the actual practice is complicated, with unlimited potential!

If her true essence were not strong enough, it would not be possible to successfully cultivate her!

For a long time, Luo Xiaoman has used the first style more, because this one is the most simple and rude, and it has amazing power!

It can be said that how powerful the true essence is, how powerful it is!

As for facing some powerful people, she occasionally uses the second type of mental impact.

However, the third formula has never been used!

First, the third type is very difficult to practice. If it is not for the top level, it is difficult to use it. Second, once it is used, she will fall into a period of weakness. During this period of weakness, she will be very passive and unable to fight back.

For this reason, the third formula has been sealed and not used.

However, at this moment, Luo Xiaoman finally has the confidence to perform the third style!

She has a great sky bead as a backing and Kunlun law protector. In order to reduce the loss of the army of slashing immortals, even if she has to take a certain risk, she must display the third formula, the cracking blue!


Luo Xiaoman's eyes sank, and a murderous air wafted out of his body, and countless true essences surged out of the sea of ​​air.

At the same time, her mental power also rushed out frantically, circulating in the big hammer with Zhenyuan.

With the fusion and entanglement of these two forces, the big hammer quaked violently, and countless shadows of the hammer appeared.

"Three styles of breaking the sky, the third style, cracking the sky!!"

Luo Xiaoman let out a low cry and swung the big hammer abruptly, but slammed into the dome.

Everyone's mind trembled, and when they subconsciously raised their eyes, they saw a huge hammer shadow appearing, and immediately turned into countless hammer shadows, all over the sky.

However, these hammer shadows split again and turned into more dense hammer shadows!

The hammer shadow obscured the sky and the sun, exuding an aura of destruction.

The hearts of many immortals tightened, feeling that they were all locked in by an invisible force, as if they would be pursued by this force no matter where they fled.

"This is... magical power!!" Suddenly, Immortal General Yuhong's pupils shrank, and from this move, he felt a breath of ancient times!

This is the unique breath of supernatural powers!

Supernatural power is a way of expressing power beyond the ultimate move. There is no way to explain it with common sense, but the power is destructive!

"Hurry up and avoid it!!" Yu Hongxian shouted hoarsely with red eyes.

However, when his voice just fell, the shadow of the hammer that covered the sky and sun also fell suddenly.

These hammer shadows perfectly avoided the immortal army, and all fell towards the immortals.

These immortals evaded quickly, but no matter how they avoided or resisted, they were all hit by these hammer shadows!

Immediately afterwards, their fairy bodies exploded without warning, and there was no room for resistance, and they fell!

The immortals fell under the power of the cracking sky, the scene was shocking, like locusts falling in pieces, making the army of immortals stunned!


Luo Xiaoman let out a muffled groan, and fell down as he softened.

Kunlun immediately stepped forward, hugged her lightly, and felt that the true essence in her body, as well as the spiritual power, were almost drained!

This is Xiaoman's full strength!

This ultimate move with all its strength has wiped out countless immortals in an instant!


At this moment, a vast force circulated from the human world, through the mark on the back of Luo Xiaoman's hand, rushing into her body madly!

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