The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1912: Step into the Immortal Palace


An aura of energy swelled out, and the two of them were so deadlocked, but their strengths were equal.

"Oh!" Lin Sansheng glanced back, raised his eyebrows when he saw this, and said in surprise: "I didn't expect the Dean's strength to be so strong, he could even match the current Lord of Qing Cang."

"Grandpa Dean, he's no ordinary person." Luo Xiaoman said meaningfully: "However, let's take the opportunity to rush in now."


In a short while, Luo Xiaoman and others had already passed Li Zhi and rushed into the palace.

Seeing that Luo Xiaoman and others had entered the palace, Li Zhi's anger was boiling, staring at Hu Yan Ruofeng fiercely. "Get out of my way!!"


An aura of vigor erupted, and Hu Yanruo Feng quaked out.

"Hey, Xiao Li, your personality is still the same as before!"

"Who are you?" Li Zhi was stunned, looking at Hu Yan Ruofeng with a look of stunned expression. There are not many people in this world who would call her this, but they are all dead.

But how did Hu Yan Ruofeng know her nickname?

The moment Luo Xiaoman stepped into the palace, the originally dim palace immediately lit up.

Bright pearls shine with a soft light, illuminating everything around them, revealing a bright red channel.

At this moment, everyone's hearts were inexplicably heavy, as if they were crushed by a stone, heavy.

They knew that what they had to face next was the first person in the Misty Fairy World!

As long as he beheaded, this war should be over!

"Oh, there is a battle between our Demon Realm and Misty Fairy Realm, and the battle circle is on the periphery. This is the first time I have stepped into the palace of the Immortal Venerable." The evil general walked on the red passage and let out a sigh of emotion.

The blood emperor curled his lips and said with contempt: "Compared with the palace of the demon world, I prefer the palace of the demon world. There are some flashy things here, which are not practical at all."

"Blood Emperor, your palace isn't necessarily practical!" The evil general rolled his eyes and said angrily, "Aren't you decorated with a lot of flashy things, like some skeletons, animal bones, and other strange shapes. , Said these things look cool!"

"Hey hey, evil general, did you carry it like this?" The blood emperor's old face flushed, and he choked back. "Have you collected a lot of treasures and piled them in the palace?"

"So, I didn't say how about Xianzun's palace?" The evil general shrugged and said calmly.

After being choked by him, the blood emperor suffocated his neck, but couldn't find any words to refute, and instantly stunned.

Perhaps the dialogue between the two of them eased the original heavy atmosphere.


Suddenly, Luo Xiaoman stopped and stared at a figure in front of him.

Everyone also stopped, raised their eyes and saw a figure surrounded by golden light.

This figure was sitting at a glazed table, elegantly tasting the fairy dew jelly, without paying attention to them.

"You are here." Supreme Immortal Venerable put down the jade cup and turned around. Although everyone couldn't see him, they could feel two sharp eyes falling on them.

Luo Xiaoman frowned, and just about to step forward, he caught a glimpse of a figure on the other side.

When she saw this figure clearly, she couldn't help but trembled, and exclaimed: "Tai Sovereign, Qiang Heng?!"

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