The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1913: You are destroying the world

Qiang Heng sat on the opposite side of the Supreme Immortal, motionless, as if he was petrified.

However, Luo Xiaoman noticed that his eyes were trembling slightly, as if he wanted to tell her some information.

Seeing this, Luo Xiaoman confirmed that he was imprisoned by some kind of power, so that he could not move.

"I don't like violence." Supreme Immortal Venerable held up the jade cup and played with it carefully in his hand, his voice was low, as clear as the surface of a water drop lake. "So, I imprison him here."

Luo Xiaoman's pupils shrank, and his heart was dark. Qiang Heng's strength was even stronger than that of the Immortal King, but in front of the Supreme Immortal Venerable, he was pinched like an ant, without the strength to fight back.

Oh, it seems that she still underestimated the strength of Supreme Immortal Venerable.

"Luo Xiaoman." Supreme Immortal Venerable looked over, staring at her as if ubiquitous, and said: "Do you know what you are doing now?"

"I know exactly what I'm doing!" Luo Xiaoman stared at the Supreme Immortal Venerable, gradually covering his body with the stiletto armor, holding the sledgehammer tightly in his hand, his eyes shining with a biting divine light. "I'm going to kill you, release the curse for Yuan, and protect the human world."

"Oh, wrong!" Supreme Immortal Venerable sighed and said helplessly: "Actually, everything you are doing now is actually destroying the entire world."

"Heh." Luo Xiaoman was startled, and then sneered: "You mean, I'm destroying your world, right? In order to make the misty fairy world the only one in this world, you disregard the balance of the three realms and six realms and steal the luck of all realms. "

"In my eyes, it is you who will destroy the entire world!"

"Little Miss, what do you tell him more?" Lin Sanxing broke off the knuckles and said coldly: "We will kill him quickly so that the curse of Master Mo Yuan can be lifted."

When the voice fell, his figure moved and rushed towards the Supreme Immortal.

The Supreme Immortal Venerable gently raised his hand, and Qiang Heng who was sitting upright suddenly moved and greeted Lin Sansheng.

"Tao Sovereign, what are you doing?" Lin Sanxing was startled suddenly. Unexpectedly, Qiang Heng would attack him, so he quickly resisted.

However, Qiang Heng's offensive is very strong, every time he makes a shot, he takes his life!

"Stop it!" Lin Sanxing shouted while resisting. "We are our own!"

"Mouse, he has been controlled by the Supreme Immortal Venerable!" Luo Xiaoman frowned and said solemnly, "He is just a puppet of the Supreme Immortal Venerable!"

"Huh?" Lin Sanxing was stunned!

The strongest person in the Qiang clan was actually controlled by the Supreme Immortal Venerable and became a puppet. Isn't this too ridiculous?

At the beginning, Qiang Heng rushed straight into the nine heavens, with unparalleled power and power, and no immortal could stop it.

Just such a strong man is now under the control of the Supreme Immortal Venerable, becoming his thug puppet, is this possible?


While thinking about it, Qiang Heng slammed with a punch, and his domineering force shook Lin Sansheng back several steps.

Lin Sanxing frowned and stared at Qiang Heng's eyes, and found that the man's eyes were flashing with anxiety, and he seemed to have autonomous consciousness, but he couldn't control his body.

"Little lady, what should I do?"

"You are responsible for holding him down and not hurting his life as much as possible!"

"Mouse, I'll help you!"

At this time, Ling Yan also greeted him, and together with Lin Sansheng, contained Qiang Heng!

Luo Xiaoman stared at the Supreme Immortal Venerable, and said: "Old thief, you don't have to do this? Control Qiang Heng and become your puppet, thinking we can't do it anymore?"

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