The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1918: Withdraw to the floating city

For him, these people are just insignificant people.

The only thing he cares about is Luo Xiaoman!

If they don't obey Xiaoman's orders, he will use high-handed methods to make these guys withdraw to the floating city.

Fortunately, when everyone heard that this was Xiaoman's order, they just hesitated for a while before immediately withdrawing to the floating city.

Seeing this, Qiang Heng couldn't help but admire in his heart. Before he knew it, Xiao Man had penetrated everyone's heart and had an unshakable position.

In a short while, everyone withdrew back to the floating city.

All the immortals were stunned for the army to withdraw from the floating city.

They didn't know why these guys had the advantage, but suddenly backed away.

"Haha, it must be the power of the Supreme Immortal Venerable, it has shocked these guys!" A golden fairy grinned and said contemptuously.

"Yes, it must be so!"

"The Supreme Immortal Venerable, invincible divine might!!"

For a time, many immortals cheered, as if they had won this war.

"Fuck you!" Looking at the smug look of these immortals, Zhi Wu tickles her teeth with hatred, and can't wait to rush up and continue to fight with these guys.

However, Xiaoman's tutor's order was before him, and he did not dare to disobey.

"Kunlun, what is going on?" Luo Qingyi walked over and looked at him with a serious face. "Did something happen to Xiaoman?"

Kunlun turned around, looked at Luo Qingyi indifferently, and said faintly: "According to Xiaoman, this battle of slashing the immortals is likely to be a round. To protect you, she now faces the Supreme Immortal alone. Respect."

Hearing this, everyone was silent!

Regardless of whether the battle of Felling the Immortal is a round or not, they all care about one question now, that is, can Xiaoman retreat with his whole body?

"Kunlun, Xiaoman must be able to defeat the Supreme Immortal, right?" Luo Qinghen squeezed over and asked anxiously: "No matter when, Xiaoman is very powerful, even if the opponent is the Supreme Immortal. There must be a way to deal with it!"

Kunlun was silent!

In fact, the moment he and Supreme Immortal Venerable fought, he knew the strength of the opponent.

Rather than knowing the strength of the opponent, it would be better to say that he was facing an endless ocean at that moment!

He is just a lone boat on the ocean.


Another explosion came from Nine Heavens, attracting everyone's attention again.

Their pupils shrank and saw a golden sword glow condensed above the palace. This golden glow was extremely large and exuded the might of tearing the sky. Just looking at it like this, the eyes seemed to be pierced by countless needles So uncomfortable.

"Can Xiaoman stop it?" As a refiner, Luo Qinghen could feel the power contained in this sword light.

He wanted to stick to himself, but the power of this sword light was really terrifying!

At this moment, Kunlun's figure moved and flew towards Jiuzhongtian.

"Let's go too!" Luo Qinghen's eyes sank, and said firmly.

"You are not allowed to go!" Qiang Heng stood in front of him and said coldly: "This is Marshal Luo's order. No matter what happens, you are not allowed to leave the floating city!"

He didn't tell everyone that when Xiaoman couldn't come back alive, he wanted to escape the floating city into the void.

If this matter is said, it is estimated that these people will go crazy and rush to Jiuzhongtian desperately!

He knew too much about Luo Xiaoman's position in these people's hearts.

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