"She may be your marshal." Luo Qingyi stood up with an extremely firm tone, and said: "But, she is our sister!"

Qiang Heng's mind trembled, then gritted his teeth and flew his body to the Eastern Emperor Bell hanging on the floating city.

"As long as I have a breath, no one is allowed to leave the floating city!" After saying that, he raised his hand and patted the Eastern Emperor Bell, and a buzzing sound rang, and he saw that the barrier of the floating city added more Another enchantment.

When this barrier appeared, Mount Luo Mu, who had been taking care of Xian'er in Luo's house, also saw it.

He frowned and looked at Jiuzhongtian who had fallen into chaos, realizing that Xiaoman must be fighting the Supreme Immortal.

Depending on the situation, it seems not to be optimistic!

Although he could not wait to rush to Jiuzhongtian immediately, he couldn't do without Xian'er beside him.

"Xian'er, wake up quickly." Luo Mushan held Xian'er's eyes with both hands, and said with a trembling, "Our daughter is facing great danger!"

However, his shouting still failed to make Xian'er react at all.

Suddenly, a trace of determination flashed in Luo Mushan's eyes, and he trembled: "Xian'er, I believe you don't want our daughter to be in danger, right?"

"So, please forgive me for not being with you." He slowly stood up and said firmly: "I will even bring your share of protection to Xiao Man!"


Luo Mushan's body aroused a bitter power.

A gloomy mark appeared on his forehead, alternating light and dark with the flow of power. "I once promised you not to use this power again. But now for our daughter, I have to violate our agreement."

Luo Mushan raised his hand, held down the gray mark with his two fingers, his eyes sinking, and he coldly shouted, "Solve!"


A powerful force burst out and swept the entire floating city.

At this moment, everyone was worried about Luo Xiaoman's situation, and under the impact of this powerful force, they couldn't help but be slightly surprised.

"What kind of power is this? It is so powerful?" Qiang Heng's pupils shrank, and he looked at the Luo family's direction with shock. "Could it be Mount Luomu, no, it should be Mount Qiangmu! What have you experienced over the years? You have such amazing power!"

This force is so strong that even he can't help but feel trembling about it.

However, when this force was about to hit the enchantment he arranged, it receded like a tide.

Qiang Heng frowned, really wanting to find out, but he must stay in place now and protect everyone in the floating city for Xiaoman.

When Luo Mushan was about to unveil the seal, he noticed the unconscious Xian'er, and his eyelashes trembled!

"Xian'er, are you awake?" Luo Mushan quickly leaned over in surprise and checked Xian'er's situation, but found that Xian'er was the same as before, showing no sign of waking up.

Is it an illusion just now?

Luo Mushan frowned, just as he was about to unlock the seal again, only to find some strange characters appeared on Xian'er's body!

Some of these characters are like a circle, and some are like a stick.

This circle and the stick continue to combine and entangle, and surround Xian'er.

"Xian'er, what's the matter with you?!!!" Luo Mushan was worried, and quickly shouted. "Don't scare me!!"

Suddenly, Xian'er's eyes opened suddenly, and the characters surrounding her immediately merged into her body.

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