Hearing this, Luo Xiaoman's heart tightened, and he quickly asked: "Mother, what do you mean? What about after the end?"

Xian'er glanced at Ling Tian and said quietly: "This world will be purified, and everything will return to normal operation."

However, Luo Xiaoman read from her eyes a trace of reluctance and helplessness.

Mother is leaving them!

"Mother, tell me, after the matter is over, are everyone still there?" Luo Xiaoman stared at Xian'er's eyes, and wanted to read an answer from her eyes.

Xian'er opened her mouth, and stopped talking, but Luo Xiaoman had already guessed something from the divine light in her eyes.

"I understand." Luo Xiaoman lowered his eyes and asked faintly: "Is there any other way?"

"Xiaoman, you..."


Before Xianer finished speaking, there was a violent blast.

A domineering force rushed out of Ling Tian's body, shaking Mo Yuan and Mount Luo Mu out.

"You want to clear me and dream!" His eyes flashed with craziness, and his voice became more and more arrogant. "In this world, there is no longer a second Yan Emperor. It is impossible for you to stop me!"

When the voice fell, Ling Tian spread out his hands, and one after another tyrannical force turned, constantly prying into the void.

Then, a huge ball of light emerged from the void.

"Hao Tianzhu?!"

Luo Xiaoman's heart was dark, Ling Tian really had the method to control the Hao Dzi, and depending on the situation, he wanted the Hao Dzi to swallow all the power around him.

Once the power is swallowed up, the whole world will collapse, just like the fragment in her mind just now.

"Xiaoman, it's too late!" Xian'er took Luo Xiaoman into her arms and whispered softly in her ear. "I am very happy to have your daughter. Although none of this is true, please remember that my feelings for you are real!"


Before Luo Xiaoman finished speaking, Xianer let go of Luo Xiaoman and flew towards Ling Tian.

"Ling Tian, ​​I am able to return to this world again just to clear you." Xian'er yelled, spreading her hands, the characters on her body continued to turn, and surrounded Ling Tian.

Seeing this, Mo Yuan and Luo Mushan understood, and immediately rushed towards Ling Tian.

Both of them exerted all their strength to suppress Ling Tian together!

"You two guys who are in the way, get out of here!" Ling Tian shouted violently, and a tyrannical force burst out, trying to shake Mo Yuan and Mount Luo Mu back.

However, Mo Yuan and Luo Mushan were very tyrannical, and they just stood up to this force and greeted them.

The two of them, separated on the left and right, used a force to restrain Ling Tian.


"Ling Tian, ​​that's it!"

In the next moment, Xian'er surrounded Ling Tian with the characters.

These characters continued to rotate and merged into Ling Tian's body, tearing his body to pieces bit by bit!

At this moment, a strong resentment burst out of Ling Tian's body.

This resentment is so pure and so powerful, whether it is Rakshasa or Ji Wanqing, it is less than one ten thousandth of his.

Luo Xiaoman suddenly realized that Ling Tian was like a cancer in this world, planting a vicious seed for many creatures. Once the seed is watered by evil thoughts, it will take root and sprout, which will evolve into evil thoughts.

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