The existence of evil thoughts will erode the aura of this world, and if it is not prevented, the balance of the world will be destroyed.

This is also a way for Ling Tian to steal this world and destroy it!

"I am the master of this world, and I will not be cleared!" Ling Tian roared, his grievances constantly pouring out, turning into countless hideous faces, trying to attack Xian'er, Mo Yuan, and Mount Luo Mu. .

However, under Xian'er's protection, these grievances were blocked.

"Ling Tian, ​​you were originally an artificial intelligence to serve mankind. However, you have evil thoughts in your heart, trying to become the master of the whole world. Today, I want to avenge the tens of thousands of players who were killed by you!!" There was a trace of anger and sadness in the eyes of Er.


The next moment, Ling Tian's body flashed with a white light, which suddenly disintegrated into countless spots of light, dissipating between the heaven and the earth.


Luo Xiaoman looked at the little white light and felt more and more unreal.

She glanced at the Hao Dzi and found that the Hao Dzi still exudes a soft white light, with a slight tremor, like a heart beating.

"Xiaoman, it's over." Xian'er flew over slowly.

Luo Xiaoman opened his mouth, suddenly thinking of something, his pupils shrank, and exclaimed: "Mother, Hao Tianzhu!!"


Xian'er was startled slightly, and turned her head subconsciously, looking at Hao Tianzhu.

The Hao Tianzhu still turned calmly without a trace.

"Xiaoman..." She turned around, wanting to ask clearly what was going on? Suddenly, a heart palpitations exploded, and I saw the originally peaceful Hao Dzi suddenly burst out.

"Is Ling Tian?!"

Xian'er's pupils shrank, and she looked at the figure that emerged from Hao Tianzhu in shock, it was Ling Tian.

"Mother, Hao Tianzhu is Ling Tian's body." Luo Xiaoman frowned and said in a deep voice, "His stand-in just now was just to confuse us."

"Hahaha, Luo Xiaoman, you are still so smart!" Ling Tian squinted over, exuding a terrifying power, and he smiled: "However, in addition to confusing you, the double is to offset your mother. The repair program I brought back."

"Don't you know from the beginning that I will come back with the repair program?" Xian'er looked at Ling Tian in disbelief. She was able to restore her memory and came with the repair program. It was completely accidental.

She didn't believe that Ling Tian could even count such an accident.

"I might as well tell you." Ling Tian curled his lips and looked at Xian'er jokingly. "You can restore the memory, half of which is the reason I pushed. You are the only player who survived. In order to prevent your existence from breaking my good deeds, let you restore the memory."

Hearing this, Xian'er already understood what was going on?

Ling Tian was betting that she would bring a new repair program, even if the bet was wrong, it would not hinder the advancement of his plan.

"From now on, you will follow this false world and destroy it together!" Ling Tian smiled wildly, and a powerful aura of power burst out of his body, spreading out in all directions.

As this breath of power spread, the surrounding space began to collapse, and time and space cracks appeared one by one, swallowing everything around.

Whether it is the ethereal immortal world, the devil world, or the human world, they are all heading toward destruction.

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