The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1938: Yuan, is it really you?

"Help!!" Luo Xiaoman finally yelled out two words that made her ashamed.

Hey, think of her dignified little demon king of Qinhuai City, a person who can fight with the Supreme Immortal Venerable, should call for help at this moment, really don't be too ashamed!

Shouted a few times, hey, no one appeared.

"Roar!" Lin Bo roared, shaking his fist violently, and blasted towards Luo Xiaoman.

My life is over!

Luo Xiaoman's pupils shrank, and these four words flashed in his heart.

However, just as the fist was about to hit her, a white hand squeezed the fist.

Luo Xiaoman's heart trembled, turned his head quickly, and met a pair of sharp eyes.

At this moment, through these eyes, she seemed to see the soul of the other party, a strong throbbing surging in her heart.


Luo Xiaoman's eyes were shining, and her heart was too excited. She thought it would take a lot of work to find Mo Yuan's whereabouts.

Never thought that Mo Yuan would appear on the stage like a savior at this moment and rescue her from danger.

"Yuan, is it really you?" Luo Xiaoman's eyes trembled, and he looked at the person in front of him in disbelief. Although his appearance was different from before, the sympathy between each other's souls remained the same and never changed. .

"It's me." Mo Yuan gave Luo Xiaoman a low-eyed smile. This gentle smile instantly made Luo Xiaoman's eyes red and his nose sore!

He is really Yuan!

At this moment, Mo Yuan squeezed Lin Bo's hand slightly, and suddenly dragged the person out.

"Xiaoman, I will solve this puppet first!"

Luo Xiaoman nodded and stood aside, watching Mo Yuan ravaging Lin Bo handsomely, suddenly wanting to eat melon seeds.

"Roar!!" At this moment, Lin Bo roared and rushed up again.

Mo Yuan looked indifferent, not evasive, and suddenly raised his hand to pinch Lin Bo's face easily.

His eyes became cold, and his backhand pinched Lin Bo to the ground, smashing the ground into a hole.

Immediately afterwards, a weird force escaped from the palm of his hand, but it continued to entangle Lin Bo, pulling out some of the black energy in his body.

"Little Master, this is Ling Tian's power!" Xiao Ling said quickly: "Quickly, absorb this power!"

"Huh?" Luo Xiaoman was slightly startled, looking at the dark and inky thing, he couldn't help frowning. "How can I absorb this force?"

At this moment, Mo Yuan turned around, and his sharp eyes instantly softened. "Xiaoman, here is for you."

He pulled up Luo Xiaoman's little hand, and placed the dark mass on the palm of his hand.

When the black lacquered thing touched Luo Xiaoman's palm, a white light shone, but it swallowed up the black lacquered thing.

Luo Xiaoman blinked his eyes and realized that the original true essence of zero had turned into a thousand.

"Little master, Ling Tian's power comes from the Hongmeng world. Therefore, the Hongmeng system can transform his power into his own use." Xiao Ling explained.

Hearing this, Luo Xiaoman nodded, clearing these puppets, and still being able to obtain true essence. It seems that this will be an important channel for her to accumulate true essence.

"Yuan!" Luo Xiaoman came back to his senses, then flew over and hugged Mo Yuan. "It's you, it's really you!"

Familiar temperature, familiar breath, and familiar hug, this is really the Mo Yuan who guards her all the time!

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