"Xiaoman, I've been waiting for you for a long time." Mo Yuan raised his hand, touched Luo Xiaoman's head, and said dozingly, "Today, I finally waited!"

At that time, after he sealed the floating city into the Xumi space of the phantom ring, his power was also dissipated, and he gradually lost consciousness, turned into a force, and exiled in the void.

I don't know how long it took. When he opened his eyes again, he found that he became who he is now.

After some understanding, he understood that he had come to this world from the world of Hongmeng and had a new identity.

"My name is Mo Ming."

"Mo Ming...Mo Ming?!" Luo Xiaoman muttered the name, suddenly his pupils shrank and looked at Mo Yuan in shock. "No? You are the current Patriarch of the Mo Family, Mo Ming?"

The Mohist is one of the five giants in the world, and it is also ranked first in strength, a big family that controls Hope Academy!

In addition to this, the Mohist school also possesses the technology to develop potent potions. This is an important means for mankind to fight against Ling Tian, ​​so that the Mohist school's status is so light in this world!

However, what made Luo Xiaoman most entangled was the relationship between the Mo family and the Zhou family.

"Xiaoman, what's the matter?" Mo Yuan couldn't help asking suspiciously when he saw Luo Xiaoman pouting, his expression depressed.

"Yuan, the name of my current identity is Zhou Qingmu." Luo Xiaoman shrugged and said dejectedly: "You said, if we two enemies meet, should we fight?"

Mo Yuan was startled slightly, then curled the corners of his lips, revealing a gentle smile. "Although the Mo family and the Zhou family have a hostile relationship, it is different now."

Luo Xiaoman blinked, facing Mo Yuan's clear and firm eyes.

"From now on, whether it's the Mohist school or me, it's yours!"

"Wow, Yuan, why did you become so prosperous?" Luo Xiaoman shivered, his face turned red, but he was stunned by Mo Yuan's words.

Mo Yuan was stunned, then he smiled suddenly, and said, "It is probably because the memory of this body has been integrated, which has made me more...um...knowledge. However, if you don't like it, I can delete these memories. "

"No, no, it's good." Luo Xiaoman shook his head quickly, and said: "You used to be too rigid, but now it's good to be a little smarter."

"Moreover, no matter how you change, you are my deep!"

The tip of Mo Yuan's heart trembled slightly, as if being slapped by a small hand, making him affectionately embrace Luo Xiaoman in his arms.

"That... shall we leave here first?" Xiao Ling said embarrassingly because of the tiredness of the two.

Although Luo Xiaoman wanted to continue to get bored with Mo Yuan, Xiao Ling was right and it was indeed not a suitable place.

Not long after, Mo Yuan and Luo Xiaoman came to a restaurant!

This restaurant is different from the restaurant in Hongmeng World, it seems to be more simple and the style is quite different. However, these are all secondary, as long as the food is delicious and the appearance style does not matter.

In a short while, the table was filled with all kinds of delicious, bursts of tangy fragrance, constantly teasing Luo Xiaoman's long-sleeping gluttons.

"Woo, I haven't eaten such a rich delicacy in a long time." Luo Xiaoman moved his index finger and couldn't wait to clamp a piece of meat and put it in his mouth.

Suddenly, the taste of delicious fragrance bloomed on the tip of her tongue, making her scream of happiness.

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