The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1940: Are all our companions here?

"Come on, taste this." Seeing Luo Xiaoman's face filled with satisfaction, Mo Yuan's heart was also very happy, and he gave her another piece of meat.

"Yuan, how long have you been in this world?" Luo Xiaoman's mouth was filled with meat, and he mumbled: "Also, what's the situation with Ling Tian now?"

"I have been in this world for a year." Mo Yuan has been adding vegetables to Luo Xiaoman, but he hasn't eaten much himself. It seems that as long as Xiaoman eats well, he is very satisfied. "In this year, I have been investigating Ling Tian's affairs."

"A hundred years ago, Ling Tiangu embodied in the real world, took control of all networks, and launched the Third World War. In this war, human civilization was completely defeated and could only open up a living space underground."

"It's just that Ling Tian never let go of mankind, and wanted to kill mankind. In order to effectively fight against Ling Tian, ​​mankind completely gave up hot weapons and turned to cold weapons, so that Gu Wu also took the opportunity to rise again and be born The profession of True Warrior."

"At the same time, humans have also developed potions that activate their potential, which can greatly activate their potential. As humans' potential has been developed, armed armor also emerged at this time, becoming the most powerful weapon against Ling Tian."

Upon hearing this, Luo Xiaoman had a general understanding of the current situation. "The human potential is activated, and armed with armor, can't it fight Ling Tian?"

Mo Yuan shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "Ling Tian has already ruled the ground, and the entire ground is covered with omnics. Although humans have ancient weapons and armed armor as their backing, they have only developed less than a hundred years ago. Such an existence against the sky is still a bit close."

"However, now that mankind is accumulating strength, it is estimated that it will launch a war against Ling Tian and regain its lost home.


Luo Xiaoman swallowed a piece of meat, and then said: "So, Ling Tian felt threatened, so he would use his clone to invade human society and want to disintegrate from the inside?"

"Xiaoman, you are as smart as ever." Mo Yuan nodded and smiled: "Ling Tian's clone is equivalent to the evil thoughts of the Hongmeng world, and can be attached to some people with weak willpower."

"If the possessed person does not attack, it will be difficult to be found, which also means that Ling Tian's clone is very likely to be by our side."

Having said that, Luo Xiaoman subconsciously looked around. There were a lot of people coming and going around, all of them looked very simple and could not tell if they were Ling Tian's clones.

"Master, don't worry about this, don't forget that Hongmeng system can detect Ling Tian's clone. As long as he is nearby, I can detect it." Xiao Ling said calmly.

Luo Xiaoman knew it, and couldn't help falling into thought.

Through the understanding of this world and her own situation, she has two things to do next, first, to improve her strength as soon as possible, and second, to remove Ling Tian and regain the power of the Hongmeng world.

"Yuan, would you say that other people have crossed into this world like you?" Luo Xiaoman raised his eyes, but noticed that Mo Yuan's expression was solemn, looking at a jade charm in his hand!

Luo Xiaoman raised his eyebrows, and through Zhou Qingmu's memory, this jade talisman was a communication jade talisman to re-engrave the Hongmeng world.

"Xiaoman, you are right, there may be our companions in this world!" Mo Yuan stared at Luo Xiaoman and said in a deep voice, "So, we are going to Hope Academy!"

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