The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1941: Someone woke up again!

Hope Academy is an academy on the surface, but it is actually a place to fight against Ling Tian and cultivate human elites!

The college is divided into two branches, one is the Martial Arts Academy, and the other is the Literature Academy.

The Academy of Martial Arts specializes in training real martial artists, while the Academy of Arts trains high-IQ technical personnel.

However, such a pillar of humanity is in the hands of the Mohist school.

"Yuan, you said that the technician who invaded Hongmeng World suddenly reacted?" At this time, Luo Xiaoman was sitting in the co-pilot.

Although she really wants to see the scenery of this dungeon through the car window, there are more important things waiting for her to understand!

As Mo Yuan drove the car, he explained: "At the beginning, in order to repair the out of control Ling Tian, ​​many technicians invaded the Harmony World without fear of death. Unfortunately, they were all found by Ling Tian and were killed."

Having said that, he paused, glanced at Luo Xiaoman, and said: "Xian'er mother is also one of the technicians and the only one who has survived."

Luo Xiaoman's mind is slightly tight. It is estimated that the reason why Xian'er's mother survived was because Ling Tian had a mental calculation. Otherwise, how could she be born of Luo Xiaoman, which triggered so many things, and finally let Ling Tian use her The hand, breaking through the shackles of the Hongmeng world, manifested in the real world.

This is a game that has been deployed since ancient times!

Although Ling Tian himself cannot directly interfere with the Law of Heaven, he uses his own managerial status to influence its evolution all the time!

"Even though these technicians were killed in the Hongmeng world, their bodies still function normally in reality. For this reason, the highest commander of mankind issued an order to save these technicians and look forward to their waking day. "

"Yuan, don't you want to say that these technicians really have a chance to wake up?" Luo Xiaoman twitched his lips. Although a person's body is still alive, he has lost his consciousness, which is the so-called soul. It's dead.

However, when she looked at Shang Mo Yuan's unpredictable pair of eyes, she couldn't help but stunned slightly, and said with a sneer: "Well, these technicians can really wake up?"

"Yes!" Mo Yuan nodded, then turned the steering wheel to let the car go to the left. "I am one of them."

Luo Xiaoman was startled slightly, his thoughts turned, as if he had captured a trace of enlightenment.

She frowned and said solemnly, "I can't understand this. The consciousness of these technicians has been annihilated, but they have been possessed by some consciousness of the Hongmeng world, and thus wake up."

Mo Yuan curled his lips, looked at Luo Xiaoman in admiration, and said, "Xiaoman, you guessed it right, that's what it's all about!"

Luo Xiaoman suddenly smiled bitterly, and at the same time was full of expectations. "Yuan, the reason you are so anxious to go back is that someone among these technicians has woken up again?"

Mo Yuan smiled without saying a word.

Then, Luo Xiaoman's eyes were full of expectation.

I don't know who will pass through the world of Hongmeng after Yuan?

"Xiaoman, I can understand your feelings." Mo Yuan emptied a hand, holding Luo Xiaoman's hand, and said softly: "This world is too strange for you. Besides, you are no longer Luo was frivolous in the past, but Luo Xiaoman was doted by countless people."

"So, you now hate being alone."

Luo Xiaoman's heart trembled slightly, and he subconsciously squeezed Mo Yuan's hand, for fear that the person in front of him was just an illusion and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

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