Damn it!

The door guard shivered, and the cup in his hand dropped directly and fell to pieces.

"Ah, brother guard, what's the matter with you?" Luo Xiaoman blinked, pretending to be surprised: "Don't you think I'm talking about you?"

"No, no!" The guard swallowed, then looked straight, and said righteously: "Actually, I am angry!"

"Look! Miss Zhou, you are so cute, how can those people succeed?"

When he said this, his face was not red and his heart was not beating!

"Hahahaha!" Luo Xiaoman laughed and said: "Brother doorman, you are so touched by me! It is estimated that you will think that my weak and incompetent counselor is cute."

The door guard laughed, and cursed secretly in his heart. In the past, you were indeed a weak and incompetent counsellor, but now you, don't be too scary!

The words and deeds just now stimulated his heart.

What happened to this little guy? How could it become like this?

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps outside.

The door guard's eyes suddenly lit up and calmed down immediately. "Miss Zhou, I have something to do, so leave first."

"Go." Luo Xiaoman waved his hand indifferently, then picked up the melon seeds on the table and stomped leisurely.

The door guard's eyes were gloomy, heh, no matter what you become, you will feel better next.

When he walked out of the reception room, a group of people filed in and quickly surrounded Luo Xiaoman.

"Zhou Qingmu, why are you here?" A man walked out and stared at Luo Xiaoman coldly.

"I'm a student of Hope Academy, why can't I be here?" Luo Xiaoman slowly sat up straight and said calmly.

At the same time, she also received the news that Xiao Ling had completed the transformation of this body.

From now on, Zhou Qingmu's body has changed from Grade C to Grade B, possessing certain self-protection capabilities.

"Humph, then I tell you now, you are no longer a student of Hope Academy." The man snorted coldly, and then took out a notice of expulsion.

"Sure." Luo Xiaoman patted his palms and smiled faintly: "Senior Ink Shadow, it seems that you are here prepared! I guess you are wondering why I would sit here safe and sound, and forcing you Take out this long-awaited notice?"

Ink Shadow's pupils shrank, staring at Luo Xiaoman in horror, as if he had guessed what was going on in his heart.

He received news that the two heads of the Zhou family were fighting for power, but ordered someone to murder Zhou Qingmu.

Once Zhou Qingmu is killed, the Zhou family will definitely be in chaos, which is obviously a golden opportunity for their Mo family.

However, just in case, he still prepared a notice of expulsion.

Back then, the Patriarch of the Zhou family was still alive and possessed a certain deterrent power, so that their Mo family could only mix into the Hope Academy through the waste of Zhou Qingmu.

But now, the Patriarch of the Zhou family has died unexpectedly, and they don't have to worry about this waste.

"More!" At this moment, Luo Xiaoman shook two ponytails and looked at the ink shadow playfully. "Your expulsion notice must have not been approved by Shao Mo? If you let him know, I believe you will be miserable!"

"Hahaha!" Mo Ying smiled, winked at Zhou Wei's people, and said contemptuously: "Zhou Qingmu, are you stupid? Our Patriarch has always wanted to get you out of Hope Academy. I specifically don't Tell him, just to surprise him."

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