Luo Xiaoman laughed!

"Are you sure it is a surprise, not a fright?"

Her smile is very sweet and cute, like a cream cake, sweet enough to melt.

However, Mo Ying obviously does not have this mind.

"Hmph, I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you." He curled his lips, and couldn't wait to drive out the rubbish.

Of course, he wouldn't let people get out of the academy simply!

"Come on, put her out for me!"

Without waiting for the people around him to move, Luo Xiaoman stood up first, his body slightly stretched straight, like a little cheetah entering a fighting state.

Seeing this, the ink shadow couldn't help being stunned.

What's the matter with this guy? Why did you put on such a posture?

He suddenly discovered that from entering to the present, Zhou Qingmu's performance seemed to be too calm, without a trace of panic, which was very different from Zhou Qingmu in his perception.

What a hell!

Ink Shadow frowned, but now she can't manage that much, so she has to toss the person out quickly. If you continue to procrastinate and get caught by the Zhou family, it won't be difficult to toss.

Suddenly, the people around immediately stepped forward, and Chao Luo Xiaoman caught him.

"Fuck you!"

At this moment, a vulgar voice came, breaking the tension in the reception room.

The ink shadow was stunned, then turned around and looked out.

However, Luo Xiaoman's eyes flashed for a while, and his heart couldn't help being excited.

This mantra, besides that funny comparison, who else is it?

"Will this academy be so big? I turned around and couldn't find the door to go out." Before long, a figure came in cursingly. "Tsk, this head is also dizzy, so many messy memories!"

When he saw the battle in the reception room, he couldn't help being stunned. "Uh, sorry, I went the wrong way. Go on!"

After all, the man quickly turned around and wanted to run out.

He was hungry and wanted to find something to eat. Who knew he would run into so many people? This posture must be a fight!

"Master Nangong?!"

"Xiao Wu!"

Mo Ying and Luo Xiaoman almost spoke in unison, calling out different names.

When calling Master Nangong, the man didn't respond, but the word Xiao Wu behind it made his shoulders tremble visibly.

Seeing this, Luo Xiaoman felt clear, and the corners of his lips rose slightly, revealing a smug smile. "When you saw your old friend, did you just leave? Or do you want to run five hundred laps again to warm up?"

Mo Ying frowned and looked at Luo Xiaoman with a puzzled look. What is this guy talking nonsense? This is Nangong Dance, the future heir of the Nangong family.

The Nangong family, like the Mo family and the Zhou family, is one of the top five, ranking fourth in strength.

At the same time, the Nangong family, like the Mo family, is not friendly to the Zhou family. There is a complex conflict of interests in it. It is such a relationship. Nangong dance is very unpleasant to Zhou Qingmu. Support with both hands!

"Master Nangong, why are you here?" Mo Ying curled his lips and walked up, as if to invite him to stay and appreciate Zhou Qingmu's ravaged scene. "We are going to drive Zhou Qingmu out of the academy now. Do you want to stay and watch?"

Everyone's eyes all fell on Nangong Wu's body.

A faint smile hung on the corners of Luo Xiaoman's lips, and he didn't rush, even picked up a handful of melon seeds, and squatted.

She was in a good mood now, she didn't put the ink shadows in her eyes at all.

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