
Suddenly, Zhi Wu released his hand, rushed to the boy, and hugged the bear. "Minor repair repair, is that you? No, it must be, you and that guy look at me exactly the same!"

"Get up!" The young man was completely blindfolded, struggling quickly, trying to free himself from the embrace of Zhi Wu's bear.

It's just that Zhi Wu has a lot of power. He is a delicate young man. How can he break free?

"Woo, Xiaoxiuxiu, I miss you so much!" Zhi Wu rubbed his nose and tears on the boy's clothes, instantly changing the boy's face, and wanted to rub this guy on the ground.

However, he can only think about it, the strength of each other seems too different.

"Xiao Wu, you quickly get up and drive!" Seeing the boy's appearance of unrequited love, Luo Xiaoman stepped out, stunned to separate the two.

She looked at Zhi Wu, pointed at the boy, and said, "You said he was a minor repairer?"

"Hmm!" Zhi Wu nodded again and again, then raised his hand to touch his face, and said with certainty: "I will not admit it, he is a minor repair. Although the look is a little different, the look in his eyes and the breath are the same. what!"

Luo Xiaoman raised his eyebrows, and then looked at Mo Yuan beside him suspiciously.

"He is the technician who woke up." Mo Yuan said faintly, "When I arrived, he escaped from the recovery room. Unexpectedly, he ran here in a ghostly manner."

"This must be telepathy." Zhi Wu flushed and said excitedly: "I and Xiao Xiuxiu are good friends. He must have sensed that I am here, so he touched this side."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Seeing Zhi Wu's nervous look, the boy took a step back subconsciously and said vigilantly: "I'm just hungry and want to find something to eat."

"Minor repair, you don't need to pretend." Zhi Wu walked over, put a hand on the boy's shoulder, and said with a grin: "You must be shy, so you dare not admit it, right?"

"Get out!" The boy finally couldn't stand the bird, kicking Zhi Wu out.

However, when he kicked the person out, he couldn't help being stunned.

He seems a bit too skilled in this action.

"Hahaha, it's still a familiar action!" Zhi Wu grinned and didn't mind the kick, and said cheerfully: "Xiao Xiuxiu, did you dislike me like this before? Hey, you guy, it's a typical mouth. People who say no, enjoy it in my heart."

The corners of the boy's mouth twitched, and he felt that he was going crazy by this guy!

When he woke up, everything around him was so strange, at a loss and fear.

For this reason, his first thought was to escape.

However, he didn't know how long he had been in a coma, and when he ran, he was weak and hungry.

Later, I saw that there was a reception room here, and thought of finding something to eat in it. As a result, I encountered such a neurosis.

"Yuan, it seems that he has lost his memory." Luo Xiaoman frowned and said solemnly: "Even if he doesn't remember Xiao Wu, he should remember us. However, from his blank eyes, he can tell that he treats us. No impression."

Mo Yuan nodded, agreed with Luo Xiaoman's statement, and said lightly: "The technician in the research room said that this young man named Hu Yan Ruoxiu has some imperfect brain functions and it is normal to lose his memory. "

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