The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1952: Minor repairs, remember us...

"Brain function is not perfect?"

"Xiaoman, we can understand that." Mo Yuan squinted his eyes and stared at the thigh of Zhi Wu holding the teenager in front of him. He said variously, "If he really calls Yanxiu, it would be equivalent to his own data. The information passes through the back door of Hongmeng that we stayed in, into the body of the originally sleeping technician."

"Because he is a data body, there is a certain difference from the human spirit, which leads to the current state of amnesia."

Hearing this, Luo Xiaoman knew in his heart.

To put it simply, minor repairs are equivalent to the soul wear in a fantasy novel, worn into the body of a technician.

As a result, his soul body suffered certain defects in the process of crossing, which led to the current amnesia.

"Can it be restored?"

Mo Yuan thought about it for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Not sure."

"No, Xiaoxiuxiu will surely remember it." Zhi Wu clung to the boy's thigh, no matter how hard the boy struggles, he just won't let go. "I will definitely make Xiaoxiu remember our little by little."

He raised his eyes and stared at the boy firmly. "He forgets anyone, he can't forget me!"

The young man's heart trembled, and his heart throbbed inexplicably when he faced Zhiwu's hot eyes.

what's the situation? !

He actually has such a mood swing about a neurosis? !

"Xiao Wu, get up first!" Luo Xiaoman rolled his eyes and said angrily: "Just like you, it's probably not for people to remember you, but for forcing people to kill you!"

Zhi Wu pouted, unwillingly let go of the boy, and stood aside.

He was too excited, couldn't help it! Had it not been for the presence of Master Mo Yuan, he could also give it to Teacher Xiaoman again!

Luo Xiaoman: Yuan!

Mo Yuan: The knife is ready!

Zhi Wu: Haha, the weather today is really good!

The boy was able to get away, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and gave Luo Xiaoman a grateful look.

"Xiaoxiuxiu, did you really forget?" Zhi Wu sighed and said quietly: "In the beginning, I tried my best to chase you. Later, I awakened the power of King Shura and turned it into you chasing after you. I!"

"You look cold and quiet, but you are actually more persistent than me! In order to chase me, but you followed me back to the Asura Way, you are discussing and communicating every day, thinking about that day, how beautiful!"

The young man frowned, and shivered when he thought of Zhi Wu's snot and tears just now. He couldn't imagine how he and such a disgusting guy would discuss and communicate!

He's afraid it's too late to hide, right?

"Little brother, ignore him! That, my name is Luo...Zhou Qingmu." Luo Xiaoman pulled Zhiwu away and came to the boy with a lovely smile.

Sure enough, the soft and cute girl is the most popular.

Seeing Luo Xiaoman's cute smile, the teenager's vigilance also dropped a lot, and he shook hands with her and said, "My name is..."

The young man just wanted to give his name, suddenly his head hurt and he curled up on the ground in pain.

"Xiaoxiuxiu, what's the matter with you?" Zhi Wu's eyes widened, and he rushed up, asking anxiously.

"Get away!" However, before Zhi Wu passed, Mo Yuan stood in front of him, took out a device, and threw it in front.


The device bounced off and turned into an electromagnetic net, covering the boy.

Immediately afterwards, from the boy's body, there was a hint of black air, all trapped by the electromagnetic net!

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