"Ming, you're back, come over and eat something quickly." The speaker was a beautiful woman, with an elegant manner and decent conversation, just like the mistress of the Mo family.

This is Mo Ming's mother, Tan Ling.

Mo Yuan nodded, walked to a long table without saying a word, and sat down.

This made Tan Ling a little embarrassed, and immediately asked the servant to bring the food.

After Mo Yuan sat down, he saw a middle-aged man sitting opposite.

The middle-aged man wore a retro suit and combed his hair behind his back, exuding the power of a superior.

Mo Yuan and the middle-aged man are quite alike, their auras seem to be the same.

This is Mo Ming's father, Mo Qiong!

Soon, the servant brought up the food and placed it in front of Mo Yuan.

However, he did not do anything, always staring at the ink dome ahead.

Mo Qiong didn't care about his gaze, and ate his own millet porridge.

Seeing such a stiff confrontation between the father and son, Tan Ling next to her was a bit at a loss and couldn't find a chance to interrupt.

For some reason, her son has become a little taciturn recently and doesn't like to communicate with others.

Although Mo Ming seldom said in the past, he can at least say a sentence or two with his family, but now if not necessary, he cherishes his words like gold

However, the only thing that made them gratified was that Mo Ming's behavior became more mature and steady.

In several clashes with other families, Mo Ming relied on his own strength to bear the heavy pressure and win the victory.

For this reason, the power of the Mohist school was transferred to him bit by bit.

"Ming, listening to Mo Ying said, you chopped off his hand for the waste of Zhou's family today?" At this moment, Mo Qiong finished his meal and threw the spoon on the empty plate with a loud noise. It hits everyone's heart on the court.

At this moment, Mo Ming calmly picked up the spoon and gently scooped the millet porridge on the plate. "Father, is there something wrong with what I did?"

Mo Qiong frowned, staring at Mo Ming coldly, and said: "You should be very clear that our relationship with the Zhou family is in a state of turmoil. Now their internal conflicts are fierce. This result is very beneficial to us!"

"But..." His tone became a little heavier. "After you mix up like this, I'm afraid that the Zhou family will temporarily suppress internal conflicts and take strict precautions against our Mo family."

"Heh!" Mo Ming paused, raised his eyes slightly, glanced at Mo Qiong lightly, and said, "Father, don't you think this is fun?"

"Fun?" Mo Qiong frowned and looked at Mo Ming suspiciously, not understanding what he meant.

"Anyway, the Zhou family is the second most powerful existence among the Big Five. It would be too boring if you can defeat it so easily!" Mo Ming picked up the handkerchief and wiped his mouth gently. "I did this just to make this process more interesting."

Mo Qiong's pupils shrank, staring at Mo Ming's cold, handsome face, as if he wanted to see some clues.

However, in this handsome face, apart from indifference, it is still indifferent.

"Ming, as a father, I'll give you a piece of advice." Mo Qiong sighed, and said lightly: "It won't be long before you will completely control the Mo Family. Any of your decisions will affect the future development of the Mo Family. I I hope you can make every decision carefully."

"Now, it's not the time for you to play!"

"Father, do you think I will play with fire and self-immolate?" Mo Yuan raised his eyebrows, folded his hands, resting his chin on his chin, and looked at Mo Qiong playfully.

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