"Yes! You're playing with fire and self-immolation!" Mo Qiong said harshly without circumscribing: "You saved Zhou Qingmu, which is equivalent to a warning to the Zhou family. At that time, they will definitely beware of us, so that the originally good situation will change. It has to be complicated."

Mo Yuan shook his head, and said disapprovingly, "Father, you are wrong! Those with strength are called controlling everything, and those without strength are called playing with fire!"


"Father, thank you for your advice. But please trust your son. To me, this is just a game." Mo Yuan slowly stood up, stepped on his two long legs, and walked up. The second floor.

Looking at Mo Yuan's back, Mo Qiong sighed and smiled bitterly.

"Master, take your time." Tan Ling walked over and comforted: "Ming is indeed a little crazy now, but it is also because of his confidence. I believe he knows what he is doing!"

"Hey, Ling'er, didn't you find out?" Mo Qiong patted Tan Ling's hand and whispered: "Our son's recent behavior is very different from the past. Whether it is the means or the conversation, It has become a lot tougher."

"Is this not good?" Tan Lin smiled and said proudly: "This means that our son can be his own when he grows up."

Mo Qiong was silent, and the strange light flashed in his eyes.

As a person who can develop the Mohist school to such a high level, how could his vision be so bad? It's just that the thoughts deep in his heart were so incredible that he couldn't believe it.

"I hope my worry is unnecessary?" He said quietly.

In the study.

Mo Yuan sat at the desk, his eyes deep and cold, as if hiding a wild beast, capable of devouring people.

Soon there was a knock on the door.


Mo Ying walked in, lowered his head, not daring to look at Mo Yuan. "Young Master Mo, you, are you looking for me?"

"Mo Ying, how long have you been in the Mo Family?" Mo Yuan's slender fingers tapped gently on the desk, and every moment a note sounded, it hit Mo Ying's heart heavily, making him flustered.

"Ten, ten years." Mo Ying wanted to control his inner fear, but his body trembled uncontrollably.

The aura emitted by Shao Mo is really terrifying!

Even for the upper ink Vault, there is not such a strong sense of oppression.

"Ten years, you should know the rules of the Mohist school well, right?"

"Yes, it is!"

Mo Ying answered truthfully, very nervous, wondering what Young Master Mo is going to do next? He just wanted to escape from here quickly, or the old Patriarch could rush over and rescue himself from the fire and water.

"Then tell me, what should be the crime of rebelling against the Patriarch and impeaching the Patriarch secretly?" Mo Yuan's voice was very weak, as if he was talking about a common thing.

However, Mo Ying made a plop, knelt down, and finally couldn't restrain the fear in his heart, begging for mercy: "Young Master Mo, please forgive me! I know I was wrong, please let me go!"

Mo Yuan stood up slowly, his aura becoming more and more dignified. "Give me a reason to let you go."

"I, I..." Mo Ying's brain turned quickly, trying to find a reason. However, the flustered heart has already made him lose the ability to think.

"Young Master Mo, I really knew it was wrong! From now on, you will definitely follow your orders!"

Mo Yuan walked over, knelt down, squeezed Mo Ying's chin, stared at him with those cold eyes, and uttered two words. "late!"

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