The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 803: Greed of life and fear of death!

In Wusha City, corpses and demons were everywhere, wailing everywhere, and a strong smell of blood filled the air.

On the city wall, the city guards, and ordinary people desperately resisted these corpse demons from attacking the city, and kept pouring burning oil under the city wall, setting them on fire.

For these corpse demons, no sword can stop them, only fire attack is the most effective way.

City Lord's Mansion.

"City Lord, we don't have enough grain and oil!"

"How come? Is there only so little grain and oil in our farm?"

The lord of Wusha City, Zhen Liangxin looked panicked, and hurriedly urged: "Hurry up and collect from the citizens!!"

"However, the city residents have already donated a lot of it spontaneously. If they are recruited again, I am afraid they will be resisted!" The military commander said solemnly.

Zhen Liangxin slapped the table and said in a deep voice, "When is it now? Even if you donate all the grains and oils, it's not an exaggeration. If you die, why do you keep these grains and oils?"

"Master Mu, if the order is passed down, everyone must donate grain and oil unconditionally, or get out of Wusha City."

"In addition, kill all livestock and refine oil!!"

Army Master Mu frowned, feeling something wrong, but the current situation is very urgent. If he doesn't decide, once the grain and oil are cut off, the corpse demon will definitely attack the city.

"City Lord, I will do it now." He gritted his teeth and could only follow Zhen Liangxin's intention.

"Wait!" At this moment, Zhen Liangxin stopped Army Master Mu, and said in a deep voice, "Have you heard from Wang Chen?"

"No!" Army Master Mu shook his head, and said solemnly: "There are corpse demons everywhere now, I'm afraid Wang Chen is also very bad luck."

"Why?" Zhen Liangxin's brows furrowed, and his heart panicked. "If Wang Chen can't find reinforcements, we will be dead. No! I have to withdraw from Wusha City!"

"City Lord, you can't withdraw at this time. Once you leave, people's hearts will be distracted, and Wusha City will definitely be in chaos. At that time, the corpse demon will take the opportunity to attack."

"Hmph, I have been the lord of this city for so many years, and I have worked for them a lot of benefits. At this time, I don't want to take my life into it."


"Military Master Mu, you don't want to just die here and become those terrible monsters, right?" Zhen Liangxin squinted his eyes and urged: "You go and arrange, we will escape here together."

Army Master Mu struggled in his heart. As a military teacher, he should assist the city lord to protect the city.

If you want to be a deserter now, you will definitely be foul for years.

"Master Mu, don't think too long, you have to know that the one in your family and the child are waiting for you to save."

"I understand!"

Army Master Mu gritted his teeth, and then said in a deep voice: "City Lord, I will make arrangements!"

Zhen Liangxin's eyes lit up, and he raised his hand to pat Military Master Mu, "It's easy to handle it, as long as we escape from here, with our assets, we can also live nourished."

Soon, Army Master Mu led a small group of people, disguised as ordinary city citizens, and escaped from the city lord mansion with Zhen Liangxin.

However, the potbellied Zhen Liangxin, even if dressed as an ordinary city citizen, still can't get rid of the posture of the city lord, and is a bit incompatible with other people.

They couldn't take care of so much. Taking advantage of the chaos in the street, the group ran to the back of the city. There was a small door where they could sneak out.

"Huh, why are you going?"

However, without waiting for them to take a few steps, a few city residents stopped them.

Zhen Liangxin's heart slammed, and then he winked at Army Master Mu to signal him to solve the trouble.

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