The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 804: Why can't I be here?

"Haha!" Army Master Mu smiled, walked over, and said: "We are in the name of Army Master Mu to check the security of the city's back door. Now the corpse demons are raging so badly that they may break through through the city's back door."

"So that's it!" The rebels nodded, and then let go, "You go over. We have to support the front line."


Seeing this, Zhen Liangxin breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help secretly giving Army Master Mu a thumbs up.

Fortunately, he flicked past, otherwise he would be exposed. If they knew that their city lord was a deserter in this situation, he would definitely rise up!

"The city gate is in a hurry, everyone rushed to the city gate to stop the impact of the corpse demon." At this moment, an exclamation came, making many rebels panic.

Zhen Liangxin and Army Master Mu looked at each other, knowing that the situation is not good, and then quickened their pace.

"Wait!" At this moment, the rebels just stopped calling them, "Now the city gate is in a hurry, please join us to support the city gate. As for the back door, it should be fine for the time being!"

"Huh?" Zhen Liangxin was stunned!

"Brother, we..." Army Master Mu was also speechless. Under this circumstance, they couldn't argue.

Once they resist, they will definitely be suspected. When their identities are revealed, these people will definitely be furious!

"Okay, let's go there quickly." He gritted his teeth and could only admit it.

"Military Master Mu!!" Zhen Liangxin looked panicked and asked him to go to the front line. Didn't this let him die?

"City Lord, there is no way! We can only go with them temporarily, wait until the right time, and then slip back!" Army Master Mu said helplessly.

At this time, the city guard on the wall was panicked, and kept pouring burning oil underneath.

"Our burning oil is almost gone!!"

"The corpse demon has started to climb the wall, hurry up and find a way!"

"Everyone is ready with weapons, ready to fight hand-to-hand with the corpse demon at any time!"

Under the city wall, the corpse demons roared and squeezed together continuously, piled up into a tower, and sent other corpse demons up.

At this time, a piece of burning oil poured over, making them ignite instantly, and after a round of struggle, they all turned into coke pieces.

Zhen Liangxin and Army Master Mu were crowded in the crowd, with a flustered look, passively accepting the arrangement of the city guard.

"That's enough! I'm the lord of a city, so I'm doing these things in a place like this?" Zhen Liangxin said with a dissatisfaction after taking over a jar of oil.

"City Lord, be quiet, don't be discovered by them!"

"Catch it!"

At this moment, an oil can was handed over, and Zhen Liangxin reached out to take it.

As a result, the oil tank was too slippery, and with a bang, the oil tank smashed to the ground and broke into pieces.

For a moment, everyone looked over, looked at Zhen Liangxin, and then at the broken oil can.

Zhen Liangxin was dumbfounded and looked at everyone blankly. The Army Master Mu next to him kept winking, but he couldn't get him back.

"Ah! Isn't this Lord City Lord?" Suddenly, a city citizen pointed at Zhen Liangxin and exclaimed.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes widened, staring at Zhen Liangxin seriously, their eyes full of suspicion and puzzlement.

"My Lord, why are you here?"

Zhen Liangxin swallowed, lifted the chubby hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and twisted the opened belt again, his small eyes lit up suddenly, and the righteousness said: "Huh, why can't I be here? "

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