The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 805: Reinforcements are coming!

Everyone was startled, but was bluffed by Zhen Liangxin's momentum.

"I am the lord of a city, so I should stand on the forefront and direct the war!!" Zhen Liangxin raised his head and said awe-inspiringly.

"But... why do you want to dress like this?" They looked suspiciously at his funny outfit, and they wouldn't find him if it wasn't for this out-of-fit outfit.

"I dressed like this to prevent you from persuading me to go back. I know that you love me and won't risk me, so I dress like this and join you!" Zhen Liangxin sighed and said helplessly: "Well, now that you have discovered it, should I go back too?"

With that said, he gave Army Master Mu a look, and he wanted to leave the city wall.

"Wow, Lord City Lord, you are so great! If you want to take the lead, how can we refuse? Your arrival will only boost morale!"

"Yes, right! Come, everyone, our Lord City Lord takes the lead, come to the front to cheer us on. How can we let him down!"

"My Lord, mighty!"

Zhen Liangxin is stunned!

The corners of his mouth were twitching, the cold sweat was racing, and Chubby's hands were slightly trembling.

However, as the city lord's instinct, he still waved at everyone. "Haha, everyone has worked hard!"

"Brothers, don't froze, quickly kill the corpse demon without leaving a piece of armor!"


"My Lord, please come here and direct the battle!"

Zhen Liangxin was pushed and stood at the forefront, watching the corpse demon with its teeth and claws underneath, his short legs were shaking.

"Come on, come on! Kill, kill!" He trembled.

"My Lord City Lord, you don't have enough momentum! You have to roar out so that we can have motivation!!"

"Ah!! Kill!! Damn these corpse demons!!" Zhen Liangxin stalked his neck and shouted angrily.

"Roar!" Suddenly, the corpse demon's roar exploded, and he couldn't help but shrink his neck in fright.

Oh, I'm so scared, I'm going back to find my mother! !

"Not good!" At this moment, there was a burst of exclamation, "We ran out of grain and oil!"

"A hole was opened in the city gate, and a corpse demon rushed in!"

"A corpse demon is on the west wall!"

The battle reports came one by one, making Zhen Liangxin's complexion blue and purple. How can this be played? Do you want to accompany these guys to become these ugly monsters?

Boom boom boom!

At the moment of the moment, bursts of violent noises exploded in front.

Everyone's mind trembled, and they quickly looked over, only to see a beam of light lit up in the sky, and then frantically bombarded the corpse demon on the ground.

"What? What a destructive power!!"

"It's reinforcement! Wang Chen must have found reinforcement!"

"Woo, we are saved!"

Everyone cheered, and the light beams in front were like blooming bright fireworks, constantly shooting out, harvesting the lives of the corpse demon on the ground.


At this moment, a huge figure came over, stepping on heavy steps, approaching Wusha City while firing a beam of light.

"What is this?"

"Could it be a magic weapon for the cultivator?"

Crimson armor, four arms holding sharp swords, like a general charging into battle, constantly harvesting enemy heads.

"Huh, there are people up there!"

At this time, everyone noticed that a young girl was sitting on the shoulders of this fighting puppet.

There was a smile on the corners of the girl's lips, her feet dangling, leisurely and lazy, she was not scared by the corpses on the scene, it was more like walking in her back garden.

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