The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 813: I am not a competent city owner!

"Wow! I am not a competent city lord!"

Suddenly, Zhen Liangxin screamed and said, "I don't deserve to be a city lord at all!"

"My lord, what's the matter with you? I can be sure that you are the most competent city lord I have ever seen!" A city citizen said firmly, "Although I have only met you as a city lord, this is not Hinder my respect for you."

"That's right! As you can take the lead and stand in the forefront of commanding battles, there are not many city owners."

"So, Lord City Lord, you are definitely a competent City Lord!"

Many city residents have comforted Zhen Liangxin. They all thought that Zhen Liangxin was blaming herself for not doing well enough so that she cried.

This kind of self-reflection, highly demanding of one's own city owner, is really rare!

Ji Wuya blinked and glanced at Luo Xiaoman, only to see that the corners of her mouth rose slightly, and a sly light flashed in her eyes.

Suddenly, he knew for a while.

Hey, little master, you are naughty again!


"Little master, do you have melon seeds?" He leaned in shamelessly and asked.

"Without melon seeds, there are lollipops!" Luo Xiaoman took out a lollipop and said triumphantly.

"I also want!"


"Wow, little master, you're so cruel! You don't eat melons in the theater, it's half the excitement, no melons, at least a lollipop!" Ji Wuya wanted to cry without tears, he suddenly felt that if Lin Sanxing was there, What a great thing.

"Xiao Ya, sister also hid some barbecue, or?" Chi Chi said seriously.

"No, no, no!" Ji Wuya shook his head repeatedly, keeping a close eye on Chi Chi's barbecue, "I'd better go to the side and eat the dry food."

"Oh, if you don't eat it, I will eat it for nothing."

Da Bai: Sister Chi, I didn't say anything! Why am I always the one who's hurt?

Also, why did you hide some dark dishes specially?

Luo Xiaoman is watching the show here, but he has already exploded over there!

"You idiots, I have been deceived by me, I don’t know!" Zhen Liangxin curled his lips and said mockingly: "I have been the lord of the city for so many years, and I have never done a real thing. It is not tax increase or search you. Food."

"You don't know, this time I have a lot of food and oil to deal with the corpse demon, my city lord mansion still has a lot, enough for us to hold on for an hour."

"But I won't take it out, how can I drop it?"

"Also, what is a pioneer? I was a deserter. I was accidentally caught, so I could only bite the bullet."

"City Lord, what are you going crazy?" Army Master Mu was dumbfounded, looking at the self-convicted Zhen Liangxin in disbelief, and his heart was twitched. "You must be drinking too much! I will take you back now!"

"Go away!" Zhen Liangxin kicked Army Master Mu and said with a look of contempt: "You are just a dog of mine. What qualifications do you have to persuade me?"

"By the way, you don't know, this Army Master Mu is a deserter with me."

"City Lord!!" Army Master Mu shouted violently and slammed on Zhen Liangxin's body, pushing him to the ground, "Are you crazy?"

He quickly turned around and smiled at everyone: "Don't take what you said just now to your heart, it's just a joke made by the city lord."

"Joke?" Wang Chen squinted his eyes and stared coldly at Army Master Mu, "Heh, Army Master Mu, are you really a fool of us?"

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