The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 814: He is not stupid, he is brainless!

"By the way! I met two people before saying that they were ordered by Army Master Mu to check the back door. Now I can see that they are both disguised."

"Asshole! Fortunately, we still trust you so much, and the result is to play us like fools!"

Everyone is angry!

How could they think that in such a crisis period, the city lord would not come to support and encourage him, but would be a deserter, and even mobilized grain and oil to make the war urgent.

If it wasn't for Luo Xiaoman to arrive in time, they would definitely be killed by the corpse demon.

"Go away!!" Zhen Liangxin kicked Army Master Mu, staring at the crowd with a gloomy expression, "Are you trying to rebel? See what this is?"

He raised his hand, with a dark bracelet on his bloated wrist.

When everyone saw this bracelet, their pupils shrank and panicked.

Isn't this Luo Xiaoman's bracelet? How could it be in the hands of Zhen Liangxin.

"I stole this bracelet and came back last night to protect Wusha City. Of course, the most important thing is to keep my position as the lord of the city and dominate other towns."

"If you dare to rebel, I will let that iron bump come out and kill you!!"

After finishing talking, Zhen Liangxin touched the bracelet and shouted, "Come out, iron bumps, shatter this group of people who don't know the heights of the earth."

Everyone's minds tightened, and they couldn't help panicking, but found no movement.

"Huh, what's the matter?" Zhen Liangxin shook his hand with a look of confusion, "Why didn't the iron bumps come out?"

"Well, it's almost there." At this moment, Luo Xiaoman walked over slowly with a lollipop, and gently patted the back of Zhen Liangxin's head, "City Lord, he is not called Iron Lump, but General. ."

There was a hum.

Zhen Liangxin trembled all over, and suddenly everything in front of him became clear.

When he saw the angry gazes of the people, and recalled what he had said earlier, his face was blue. "No, it's not like that! Me, I..."

"City Lord, what else do you have to say?"

"We are really blind to support you as a rubbish."

The city dwellers were sullen and approached Zhen Liangxin step by step.

Zhen Liangxin trembled, trying to explain, but found that he couldn't find the reason for the explanation.

"It's Army Master Mu!!" Suddenly, he pointed to Army Master Mu on one side and shouted: "He taught me. If you want to blame, blame him."

"Battle of the bastard!!" Army Master Mu was angry, got up suddenly, and crashed into Zhen Liangxin, "You scumbag, I'm fighting with you!!"

"Ah!!!" Zhen Liangxin exclaimed and was thrown to the ground by Army Master Mu.

Suddenly, everyone rushed forward and punched and kicked him.

Seeing such a funny scene, Luo Xiaoman felt very bored, yawned, and said to Ji Wuya: "Go, let's go back to Qinhuai City."

"Little master, what have you done?" Ji Wuya asked curiously.

"It's nothing, just last night a guy thought that he could do whatever he wanted by giving me the sweet soup that was medicated, but I didn't know if I played it." Luo Xiaoman hooked his lips and said lightly.

"Oh, people are stupid, he can be cured. However, that fat man is not stupid, he has no brains." He pecked at his own hair, said with contempt.

Last night, she could see clearly that when the fat man and Army Master Mu touched in, they thought they did not exist.

Sweet soup, the little master drank it.

However, after she drank it, she took the medicine.

Immediately afterwards, she put on a fake bracelet, pretended to sleep, and gave them a trick.

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