Royal palace.

As the goddaughter of the emperor, Luo Xiaoman is also Zhu Yanguo's hero. When many guards saw her, they did not stop her and let her enter the palace directly.

"Princess Xiaoman, please wait a moment. The minion has already notified the emperor. I believe the emperor will come soon."


Listening to these eunuchs calling themselves princesses, Luo Xiaoman was a little uncomfortable.

However, the palace has the rules of the palace, and she can only let the other party call so.

"Xiaoman, have you come out of the heart of the illusion?" At this moment, a burst of hearty laughter came, and I saw Zhu Yingtian, wearing a dragon robe, walking over under the protection of General Cheng.

"Daddy!" Luo Xiaoman greeted him with a smile, and paid a special salute to Zhu Yingtian, "Xiaoman greets you!"

"Haha! You don't need so many rules." Zhu Yingtian squeezed Luo Xiaoman's pretty face, and suddenly said in surprise: "Xiaoman, I haven't seen you for a long time, how do I think you have grown up a lot?"

Luo Xiaoman's eyes turned, and he flickered, "I have eaten well recently, so I have a longer body!"

"You girl, originally I wanted to hug you. Now that you are so big, the hug is not suitable anymore." Zhu Yingtian sighed and said helplessly: "By the way, you come to me, you should not just give Please, please?"

"Daddy, if I want to seize your throne, how many ways?"

As soon as the words came out, the surrounding guards were shocked and immediately moved to surround Luo Xiaoman.

"Bold! How dare you speak rudely in front of the emperor?" Cheng Feng stood up and scolded Luo Xiaoman.

"Retreat!" Zhu Yingtian's eyes sank, and when he raised his hand, the many guards and Cheng Feng all retreated.

Luo Xiaoman always kept a smile without any hostility.

"You little guy, don't you know that this is the palace, would you beheaded if you say these things?"

Luo Xiaoman smiled playfully, "Daddy is not willing to kill someone!"

Zhu Yingtian was also amused, and then said solemnly: "Xiaoman, did you find something?"

"Daddy, you answer my question first."

Zhu Yingtian was startled, then sighed, and said, "Actually, you have to seize my throne in two ways, either by raising the poles of an uprising and overthrowing the Zhu family regime. The other way is to take away from me. Dragon veins."

"Dragon veins?" Luo Xiaoman was startled slightly and looked at Zhu Yingtian with a puzzled look.

"The emperor?" Cheng Feng frowned. The dragon veins were the highest secret of the royal family, and he couldn't say to outsiders, he couldn't help but remind him.

Zhu Yingtian waved his hand and said lightly: "Xiaoman is not an outsider."

"Thank you for your great godfather's trust." Luo Xiaoman was a little touched in his heart. From Chengfeng's standpoint, whether he was Zhu Yingtian's goddaughter or not, he was an outsider, and he really shouldn't reveal too much about the royal family to himself.

However, Zhu Yingtian didn't care, he treated her as his own daughter from the bottom of my heart!

"Xiaoman, from now on, everything I say to you can't be disclosed to others, you know?"


With Luo Xiaoman's assurance, Zhu Yingtian said slowly: "Dragon Vessel, legend is that Zhu Yan Kingdom's founding monarch, a magic weapon accidentally obtained."

"The founding monarch relied on the dragon veins to create the Zhu Yan country, and the dragon veins symbolized the highest imperial power."

"In the Zhu family's ancestral motto, there is such a rule, whoever holds the dragon veins in their hands is the emperor, and leads the Zhu family's dragon army to deter all directions!"

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