Hearing this, Luo Xiaoman's heart felt clear, and he also understood that there were some details.

If Wan Zitong wanted to seize the throne, in addition to overthrowing directly by force, he would seize the dragon veins.

It's just that if she herself wants to approach the emperor, she is afraid it is impossible, so...

"Daddy, I must go back now." Luo Xiaoman said anxiously.

Zhu Yingtian frowned. Seeing Luo Xiaoman's expression became serious, he didn't ask much, and said, "Go ahead."

"Daddy, trust me." Luo Xiaoman walked over and grabbed Zhu Yingtian's hand.

Zhu Yingtian raised his eyebrows, then nodded and smiled: "I believe you."

When Luo Xiaoman left the palace, Cheng Feng said to Zhu Yingtian with a solemn expression: "The emperor, is it a bit inappropriate for you to tell Luo Xiaoman the dragon vein?"

"Anyway, she is an outsider."

"Cheng general, worry too much! I believe Xiaoman is a person, otherwise I would not recognize her as a goddaughter."

"Okay!" Cheng Feng sighed, and said: "Since the emperor knows his mind, the general will not say much."

Returning to Luo's house from the imperial palace, Luo Xiaoman asked Da Bai and Chi Chi to guard the door, and took out a bronze mirror and a jade charm.

She inserted a jade charm into a notch of the bronze mirror, and a soft white light lit up.

As the white light shone, some pictures gradually appeared on the mirror.

The person in the picture is indeed Zhu Yan.

In addition to Zhu Yan, there is also a woman wearing a cloak, covering her face.

"Wan Zitong!" Seeing this woman, Luo Xiaoman narrowed his eyes and said coldly. Even if she couldn't see the woman's face, she recognized that this was Wan Zitong after the resurrection.

"Second prince, I have made arrangements for you." Zitong said lightly: "You only need to kill the emperor, and we will handle the rest."

Zhu Yan squinted her eyes, holding a dagger tightly in her hand, and struggling inwardly: "Do you really want to do this?"

"Heh, do you have any other way?" Zitong hooked his lips and said mockingly: "You can't play Luo Xiaoman now. With her IQ, I believe we will soon be able to guess our plan. ."

"At that time, it will be too late for us to respond."

"So, the faster we move, the better, and once we are late, we will give up all our efforts!"

"Okay!" Zhu Yan raised her head and said with a decisive expression on her face: "I have done everything for a while, this is what my father taught me. Since there is only this way, then..."

He held the dagger tightly, and a cold light flashed in his eyes!

He decided to kill his father!

Luo Xiaoman's pupils shrank, and a killing intent flashed in his heart.

It seems that she was too kind to Zhu Yan before. Can't think of him doing such a violent and unruly thing for his own selfishness?

Fortunately, she left a mark of divine consciousness on this guy, otherwise she would really not believe that he would be so crazy and embarked on the path of father killing.


At this moment, an alarm blew up.

Luo Xiaoman frowned and walked out of the room, wanting to ask what's going on?

"Little Miss!" When she came out, Xiao Liu just ran over, "Qinhuai City is surrounded by corpses!"

"Huh?" Luo Xiaoman frowned, wondering: "Isn't there no movement before? Why does the corpse demon suddenly appear?"

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