The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 829: Luo Xiaoman was killed!

"Flying dragon is in the sky!!" In order to sweep away the shame, he shouted violently and displayed his ultimate move.

Cheng Feng's spear suddenly appeared sharp, with fierce power, like a dragon going out to sea, Chao Luo Xiaoman slashed over.

"Three styles of breaking the sky, the first style, falling marks!!" Luo Xiaoman yelled, waving a big hammer, and smashing it down hard.

Suddenly, a huge shadow of the hammer appeared, erupting with unparalleled power, shocking everyone present.

"Daddy, since you are so dizzy, then I will wake you up!!" With her squeak, the big hammer smashed down with the might of thunder.

Under this hammer, Cheng Feng's eyes were round and he looked incredible.

His ultimate move, the flying dragon is in the sky, and in front of Luohen, it is impossible to withstand a blow.

"Roar!" At this moment, a dragon blew up, and a golden dragon came out and hit the big hammer in the air.


The two collided, and there was a strong explosion.

Suddenly, the light and shadow of the sledgehammer were shattered, but the Golden Dragon remained unabated, Chao Luo Xiaoman rushed over.

Luo Xiaoman's pupils shrank and looked at Zhu Yingtian in shock.

I saw that he was holding a spine-like thing in his hand, exuding a compelling golden light, could it be the legendary dragon vein?

"Luo Xiaoman, your conceit will become your most fatal weakness!"

"Great godfather!!"

Luo Xiaoman exclaimed, before it was too late to parry, Jin Long came out.

Her eyes widened, her knees plopped, and she knelt down, with incredible colors flashing in her eyes.

"Take Luo Xiaoman's corpse out, it will be broken into pieces!" Zhu Yingtian looked indifferent, completely devoid of the pampering color that looked at her before.


Cheng Feng recovered from the shock and ordered people to move Luo Xiaoman's body out.

He glanced at the dragon veins in Zhu Yingtian's hands again, feeling helpless, he didn't think that in order to deal with a Luo Xiaoman, the emperor used the dragon veins.

The dragon veins are the treasures of the country, possessing great power, and they can also command the dragon army.

The Dragon Army is the strongest army of Zhu Yanguo!

Zhu Yingtian glanced at Zhu Yan's corpse, and said coldly: "The order goes on and the Luo family will be cut to death, leaving none!"


Suddenly, the Guards drove out and went straight to Luo's house.

When the Guards killed the Luo family, they found that the entire Luo family was empty and had already escaped.



"Elder Ji, are you sure that Xiaoman is okay?" On the dock, Luo Mushan frowned, looking at Ji Wuya solemnly.

"Patriarch Luo, don't worry. The little master is so good at ghosts that he will be fine." Ji Wuya comforted.

"Luo Patriarch, what kind of person Xiaoman is, I believe you know it very well. Since she is arranging for the Luo family to escape from Longji City, she naturally has her reasons." Ye Canglan frowned and said solemnly: "So, we You cannot delay here, you must set off as soon as possible."

"Okay!" Luo Mushan nodded and said gratefully: "Patriarch Ye, I'll beg you here."

"Don't worry! Xiaoman is also my goddaughter, and I won't watch her have an accident. As for the Luo family, I will also take care of the mysterious concentrate matters."

Qinhuai City is in chaos now.

The corpse demon attacked the city again, and Luo Xiaoman assassinated the second prince again, causing panic.

However, he always believed that Luo Xiaoman would not kill Zhu Yan.

After all, with her IQ, she should know the consequences of killing Zhu Yan.

This is obviously a conspiracy against Luo Xiaoman!

"Thank you!" Luo Mushan sighed, then hugged Xian'er next to him and stepped onto the cargo ship of Yejia.

"set off!!"

With Ye Canglan's order, the cargo ship slowly left the dock.

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