"Master, now that the corpse demon is attacking the city, Xiaoman has another accident, I'm afraid the situation is not so good." Xin Lin looked at the cargo ship gradually leaving with a worried look.

"Lin'er, don't worry." Ye Canglan shook his head, and said: "Xiaomanji has his own natural state, and nothing will happen! Let's go back to find out the situation first, and then think of a solution."

Xin Lin nodded and looked at the cargo ship gradually disappearing to the horizon. She faintly felt that the situation would be more chaotic in the future!



When Luo Xiaoman was passed through by the Golden Dragon, a person hiding in an inconspicuous corner of Yusheng Palace saw all this in his eyes.

This person is really Zhu Yan!

"Luo Xiaoman, you are finally dead!" He squinted his eyes and said with a grim look: "I have been waiting for a long time on this day!"

If Zitong hadn't expected that Luo Xiaoman would observe his movements through the imprints of spiritual consciousness, they would not be able to successfully use this to direct the scene.

In addition, the imprint of divine consciousness was transferred to the fake Zhu Yan by Zitong, and Luo Xiaoman was convinced that the real Zhu Yan was dead, and this layout was even more impeccable.

I have to say, this Zitong is really terrible!

With this series of calculations, Luo Xiaoman couldn't get rid of it!

"Next, it's time for the next step."

After speaking, Zhu Yan took out a jade talisman and sent the news to Ye Xuan and the others.

When Ye Xuan received the news, he couldn't help being excited, "Hahaha, Luo Xiaoman, finally dead!!"

"Oh?" Zitong curled the corners of her lips and asked calmly: "Are you sure Luo Xiaoman is dead?"

"Zitong, this is the game you set by yourself. You should be more confident." Ye Xuan curled his lips and said coldly: "Zhu Yan said, he saw Luo Xiaoman die in the hands of the emperor with his own eyes."

"Although Luo Xiaoman's strength is very strong, but this time the emperor took out the dragon veins, even if she is the peak of the Nascent Soul Stage, it is impossible to block the power of the dragon veins!"

Zitong pondered for a while, then curled the corners of her lips, "Since Luo Xiaoman is dead, then our plan can be fully unfolded!"

"Yeah!" Ye Xuan squinted his eyes and said excitedly, "Luo Xiaoman is our biggest obstacle. Now that she is dead, no one can stop us anymore."

Suddenly, he sent the command to the hidden Rakshasa, and then through the Rakshasa, he passed the command to every guard who was transformed into a corpse demon.

For a time, corpse demons from all over the country gathered in Qinhuai City.

They are going to launch a full-scale attack to take down the imperial city of Qinhuai City.

As long as the imperial city is taken down, it is equivalent to choking Zhu Yanguo's throat and controlling everything in Zhu Yanguo.

"Ye Xuan, how bad is Raksha?"

"It's almost." Ye Xuan frowned, and said solemnly: "Now is the most critical moment, we must not make any baskets."

"Is it almost?" Zitong shook his head, and said solemnly: "You know, there is no way to break Qinhuai City with the corpse demon alone. We must let Luosha take action."

"Zitong, of course I know the details here." Ye Xuan glanced over, frowned, and said solemnly: "However, Rakshasa is our trump card and must not be used easily. We can only observe temporarily. The situation in Qinhuai City will be decided again."

"Oh, Ye Xuan, it seems that you still don't believe me." Zitong tapped the table lightly with his fingertips, and said mockingly: "If you can tell me the location of Rakshasa, I can naturally help you finish Rakshasa. The transformation!"

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