"No need!" Ye Xuan shook his head and looked at Zitong indifferently, "After taking a lot of Luo Xiaoman's pain, I don't want to hand over all the cards. Even though you are controlled by me now, you can't just relax. alert."

He walked over, raised his hand to pinch Zitong's chin, and said coldly: "After all, you are Wan Zitong, the one who used tricks to get Luo Xiaoman into danger."

Zitong curled his lips and sneered, "Ye Xuan, it seems that you are really smarter."

She threw Ye Xuan's hand away and walked outside, "Next, let's wait and see."


The periphery of Qinhuai City was crowded with corpses.

They roared angrily, their voices resounding through the world, shocking the hearts of the people in Qinhuai City.

However, Qinhuai City's defense is very strong, no matter how they collide, they cannot break through the defense line here.

"General Cheng, the scale of the corpse demon this time is beyond imagination." Chen Family Patriarch, Chen Tingsheng said solemnly: "Although our Qinhuai City has a strong city defense, it can't cover the endless consumption of these animals."

"Not bad!" Ye Canglan stood up and said in a deep voice: "Our people just received the news that the corpses from all over the country are gathering here. When the army of corpses is formed, I'm afraid our city defense will resist. Can't help their shock."

Cheng Feng pondered, he knew the questions the two patrons had said very well.

As the saying goes, ants often kill elephants.

With the current scale of the corpse demon, their Qinhuai City could still bear it.

However, once the scale becomes larger, I am afraid that Qinhuai City's urban defense supplies will not keep up with the consumption.

Once this happens, they will be at stake.

"General Cheng, I suggest letting the Holy Academy intervene!" At this moment, a man wearing a white straight came over and said with a calm expression: "Now we can only clean up the corpse demon in front of us as soon as possible to reduce the follow-up pressure. To resist the pressure."

"Patriarch Huyan, I understand what you mean." Cheng Feng sighed and said helplessly: "However, it is still too early for Sheng Academy to intervene."

"Holy Academy, but our backing, can't be shot easily."

Those who are active now are just some low-level corpses.

Judging from the signs of corpse demon activities in various places, there are also high-level corpse demon inside. If they use the hole cards now and kill the high-level corpses behind, they are afraid they can't stand it.

Hu Yanling frowned, glanced at the corpse demon in front of him, feeling heavy in his heart.

In any case, these corpse demons were normal people before they were alive, but now they have been turned into monsters with no wisdom by gangsters, hurting their own clan, which is really sad.

If you let him know who caused all this, he must be broken into pieces!

"I heard that the reason why these corpse demons appeared, seems to be inseparable from Luo Xiaoman." Suddenly, Ouyang Hao, the Patriarch of the Ouyang Family, said grotesquely.

"Patriarch Ouyang, what do you mean?" Ye Canglan frowned and stared at Ouyang Hao coldly, "Now that Xiaoman is dead, and the corpse demon has not been removed, can this be blamed on her?"

"Heh, Luo Xiaoman is dead, but the Luo family is not dead!"

Ye Canglan's pupils shrank, clenched his fists, wishing to punch this fellow!

When news came that Luo Xiaoman was executed by the emperor, he couldn't believe it was true.

However, after repeated confirmations, he finally believed that Luo Xiaoman was dead.

Ye Canglan felt very heavy when he thought of that cute, playful, short-term little guy, and died like that.

He originally thought that he recognized Luo Xiaoman as a goddaughter just to cooperate with Lin'er, but now it seems that this is not the case...

He also unknowingly fell in love with this little guy, and would be sad and cry for her.

He didn't pass this news to the Luo family for the time being, at least he had to wait for the corpse demons crisis to pass.

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