The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 839: Terrible giant corpse demon!

The voice fell, and a huge corpse demon suddenly emerged from the black air.

He looked up to the sky and screamed, and the momentum rippling from his body was breathtaking.

However, this was not over yet, he grabbed a corpse demon in one fell swoop, and bit it down, but he devoured the corpse demon even more crazily, constantly improving his strength.

As more and more corpse demons were devoured, his size became larger and his aura became stronger.

In a short while, a huge corpse demon with countless arms, fangs and sharp teeth appeared in front of everyone.


With the appearance of this giant corpse demon, more and more corpse demon completed their transformation and emerged from the thick black energy.

Like the first giant corpse demon, they exuded a tyrannical aura.

"We have to stop them!!" Hu Yanling's expression was solemn, he felt a force no less than Yuan Yingqi from these giant corpses.

If more and more giant corpse demons like this were born, they wouldn't be able to stop them with their current strength.

Not only that, with the number of corpse demons in front of them, the giant corpse demons are probably far more than the few in front of them.

"Three Patriarchs, fight with me!!" Hu Yanling glanced at them, then rushed out of the enchantment first, and killed the giant corpse demon.

Ye Canglan did not hesitate, and was the first to follow.

"Huh, it's really annoying!!" Ouyang Hao curled his lips, reluctantly, but still followed.

As for Chen Tingsheng, he hesitated for a while before he followed.

Huh huh!

Hu Yanling's fingers hooked, and thin lines flew out, entwining a giant corpse demon.

"Dead!" He yelled, and slammed the thread back, only to find that his thread was suddenly tight, and he couldn't cut open the body of this giant corpse demon.

When cutting the mammoth just now, it was easy, but now it's hitting a wall.

"Roar!!" The giant corpse demon roared, and then slammed, breaking this thin thread alive!

what? !

Hu Yanling hurriedly retreated with a look of disbelief. The strength of these giant corpses was so strong that they couldn't even cut their own silver threads, and were even broken?

"Star burst!!" Ouyang Hao rushed up and shouted, a long sword shining with stars, violently shooting at the giant corpse demon in front.

However, these stars collided with the body of the giant corpse demon, but only made a muffled sound!

"Split the ground and the mountains and rivers!!" Chen Tingsheng followed Ouyang Hao's rhythm, slashing the sword in his hand heavily.

Suddenly, the overbearing blade slashed heavily on the giant corpse demon.

There was a loud bang.

The blade that once smashed the mammoth in two was resisted by the giant corpse demon.

The ground under the feet of the giant corpse demon was cracked with cracks, but the body was safe and sound.

"Scream!!" At this moment, Ye Canglan's ultimate move burst out with a harsh whistling sound.

This killer move was aimed at the attack in the body. Since the skin of the giant corpse demon is so tough, then perhaps the inside will be very fragile.

But in fact, these giant corpses are not only tough on their skin, but also tough on their internal organs.

They just uttered an angry roar, then stepped forward and rushed towards them with a punch.

"Retreat!" Hu Yanling exclaimed, and quickly retreated.

Suddenly, the fist of the giant corpse demon fell on the ground, and a strong roar erupted, exploding a deep hole in the ground!

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