Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned!

"What kind of monster is this?" Ye Canglan looked incredulous, his throat tightened, "Are these giant corpses really only the strength of the Nascent Soul Stage?"

"It seems that their strength is stronger than imagined!" Hu Yanling frowned, and saw more and more giant corpse demons complete their transformation, approaching them step by step.

With the three of them alone, there is no way to continue the confrontation.

"Let's go back!!" He made a decisive decision and flew back quickly, "Now only the dean of the Holy Academy and the elders are invited to take action!"

"Our strength alone cannot stop these monsters!!"

"Roar!!" The giant corpse demon howled in rage, stepping on heavy steps, approaching Qinhuai City.

Everyone was shocked when they saw the hideous and terrifying look of the giant corpse demon, and saw the four Patriarchs returning without success!

If even the four Patriarchs can't help these giant corpses, wouldn't they be crushed?

"Zhi Wu, hurry up to invite the dean and the elders to come over." Hu Yanling said solemnly, "With our current strength, we can't withstand the impact of these giant corpses."

"Understood!" Zhi Wu nodded, then rode on the soil worm, and rushed to the pilgrimage college.

At this moment, a giant corpse demon walked up to the barrier, waved a fist, and hit it hard.


There was a violent blast, and there was a tremor in the barrier.

Although the barrier was not broken, this punch shook the barrier, and if so many giant corpses shot together, it would be impossible to withstand a round of attacks.

"It's too late!" Cheng Feng's pupils shrank, and he said with a look of astonishment: "Their next round of attacks will break the barrier!"

Seeing the giant corpse demons standing in front of the barrier, their whole body exuding formidable power, everyone's hearts were filled with despair.

"All city defenses, attack with all their strength!"

Cheng Feng gritted his teeth and shouted: "Boom at me at all costs!!"

Even though he knew that their attacks would have no effect on the giant corpse demon and were purely dying, he didn't want to do nothing and just sit and wait for death.

For a time, countless city defenses aimed at these giant corpse demons, all kinds of bombardment, madly poured over.

Hu Yanling frowned and shouted to everyone: "We will do our best. Even if it doesn't work, at least it will be delayed until the dean and them arrive."


Suddenly, the elites of the four major families, as well as the people of the Holy Academy, attacked one after another.

They cooperated with the city defense and launched a violent attack on the giant corpse demon.

All of a sudden, giant corpse demons were attacked and drowned.

At this moment, Ye Xuan, who was in the distance, couldn't help showing contempt when he watched them struggling to death. "It's useless. These corpse mads have the strongest physical bodies, and you who are only in the Nascent Soul Stage, can't hurt them at all."

"Ye Xuan, don't play with them." Zitong frowned, and said indifferently: "Don't forget, Qinhuai City still has powerhouses beyond the Nascent Soul Stage."

"If you let them come, I'm afraid that there will be more changes."

"I know." Ye Xuan curled his lips, then waved his hand and said coldly, "Crush them!"

Suddenly, the giant corpse demon looked up to the sky and screamed, carrying an attack.

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