The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 841: Invincible Dragon Army!


The enchantment is broken!

All the formations on the city wall burst into pieces, and the surrounding city guards flew out.

"Is it over?" Cheng Feng smiled bitterly, looking at the broken enchantment blankly.

He looked at the giant corpse demons stepping on, feeling the aura that suffocated him, and felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart.


The giant corpse demon waved countless arms and was about to bombard them.


At the moment of the moment, a burst of dragons blew up.

Everyone's hearts trembled, and they saw a golden dragon rising into the sky in the direction of the imperial palace, exuding an ancient aura.

"It's the dragon vein?!" Cheng Feng's pupils shrank and exclaimed: "Does the emperor want to summon the Dragon Army?"

The next moment, the golden dragon exploded and turned into golden rays of light to shoot here.

Bang bang bang!

These golden lights hit the giant corpse demon, and the terrible impact knocked them out alive.

The golden light was shining and descended on the earth, one after another wearing golden armor, awe-inspiring figures stood in front of everyone.

"The dragon army obeys the order and kill the enemy!" A voice full of majesty came, giving orders to many dragon army.


The Dragon Army responded, and immediately drew out the golden saber from his body and attacked the giant corpse demon.

The giant corpse demon roared angrily, stepped on a heavy step, and greeted the dragon army.


The Dragon Army brandished its golden sword and slashed sharply.

Suddenly, the extremely tough arm of the giant corpse demon was cut off.

Immediately afterwards, their offensive became more and more fierce, quickly beheading these giant corpse demons one by one.

"So strong!!" Seeing the power of the Dragon Army, everyone was stunned. "Isn't their strength reaching the stage of transformation?"

"No, their strength is still in the primordial infant stage. It's just that their strength contains dragon energy, so they can match it in such a way." Cheng Feng said with a hot face.

This is the second time he has seen the Dragon Army.

Last time, it was Zhu Yingtian's personal conquest against the 100,000 army of Hongnan Kingdom.

Although the opponent's army was astonishing, Zhu Yingtian repelled the opponent forcefully with a dragon army of less than a hundred people.

Legend has it that after the founding monarch got the dragon veins, he sacrificed an elite army during the refining process in order to make it the treasure of Zhu Yan.

These golden armored soldiers are the souls sacrificed back then.

They are now the strongest ace guarding Zhu Yan country!

"We will definitely win!!" Cheng Feng clenched his fists and said firmly with a face: "These giant corpse demons can't be the opponent of the Dragon Army."

Although the number of the Dragon Army is less than a hundred people, their power is comparable to a hundred thousand army, and they forcefully suppress these giant corpse demons.

As long as these giant corpse demons are suppressed, they can defeat the other corpse demons one by one.


Suddenly, Cheng Feng noticed that when the Dragon Army was about to kill a giant corpse demon, their figures trembled and disappeared one by one.

"This is...what's going on?" He looked blank, "Once the Dragon Army takes action, it will definitely kill all the enemies before they disappear..."

Cheng Feng suddenly turned around and looked at the direction of the imperial palace.

If the dragon army disappears before it retreats, it means that something has happened to the emperor!

He knew very well that if the emperor wanted to summon the dragon army, he had to concentrate on it, and his body and mind and the dragon vein were united before he could command the dragon army.

At this time, the emperor is the most vulnerable.

However, the guards of the palace are rugged. Who can sneak into the palace at this time and hurt the emperor?

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