The giant corpse demons were raging, and as a last resort, Zhu Yingtian had to summon the Dragon Army to retreat!

However, a person was killed and interrupted his call.

"Emperor, are you finally showing up?" Zhu Yingtian said softly, stunned Zhu Yan who was hiding behind the red pillar.

"How do you know it is me? Logically, I am a dead man now!" Zhu Yan walked out, grimace.

"Oh, from the beginning, I knew that the person who died was not you." Zhu Yingtian said while controlling the dragon veins.

"How is it possible?" Zhu Yan looked at Zhu Yingtian in astonishment. "My disguise is seamless, how can you tell?"

"I really can't see it. But the little guy can see it." Zhu Yingtian sighed and said quietly: "You shouldn't have come. If you don't come, find a paradise and live quietly, how nice it is. ?"

"Hahaha." Zhu Yan laughed frantically. "Live quietly? This kind of life is just like death to me."

"Father, you are so cruel! You abolished me, you might as well kill me." Zhu Yan squinted her eyes and said coldly: "Whatever you say is good for me, it's all farting! If it's good for me, you just It’s time to pass the crown to me!!"

"I thought so. It's a pity that you are too impatient to wait."


"Emperor, let's stop." Zhu Yingtian looked at Zhu Yan deeply and persuaded: "You still have time to look back now!"

"Okay!" Zhu Yan grinned and suddenly rushed towards Zhu Yingtian. The dagger in his hand stabbed sharply, and said grimly: "Unless you die!!"


Suddenly, a barrier stood in front of Zhu Yan and bounced him back alive.

"Sure enough, as the little guy thought, you can't look back." Zhu Yingtian shook his head and looked at Zhu Yan sadly, "Yan, I don't want to do this, but for Zhu Yanguo, I have to..."

His eye sockets were red, tears rolled in his eyes, and he trembled three words, "Kill you!"


Zhu Yan's pupils shrank, turned her head, and saw Ji Wuya's beautiful face, looking at herself coldly. "Unexpectedly, it was you!"

"Second prince, sorry!" Ji Wuya said indifferently: "The emperor, and the little master has given you two opportunities. But if you don't know how to cherish, this is your fate."


Zhu Yan fell to the ground.

He didn't know until he died, why he was exposed, or how Luo Xiaoman avoided it?

At that time, he saw Luo Xiaoman die under Longmai's attack with his own eyes!

Also, it turns out that the emperor said something while holding a fake self, but he specifically said it to himself who was hiding aside.

He wants to let himself give up and live a peaceful life.

"The emperor, this is the life of the second prince." Ji Wuya walked over and said helplessly: "You are sorry."

Zhu Yingtian shook his head with a wry smile. Now that Qinhuai City is at stake, he must stabilize his mind and control the Dragon Army.

"Elder Ji, please protect me."

"Don't worry, I won't let..."

Before he finished speaking, a figure rushed up quickly, and a dagger pierced Zhu Yingtian's chest.

Zhu Yingtian's pupils shrank, and he looked at Zhu Yan who should have died with a look of astonishment, "Emperor, you..."


"The emperor!!" Ji Wuya reacted and fisted Zhu Yan out, "The second prince has become a corpse demon!!"

Seeing a black air coming out of Zhu Yan's body, his heart tightened, and he couldn't imagine that Wan Zitong was so cautious that he actually left a black air on the second prince.

It's okay for Zhu Yan to be in no trouble. Once something happens, this black air will invade his body, transform it into a corpse demon, and then stab the emperor.

Obviously, she succeeded!

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