The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 843: Send you one last ride!


Zhu Yan struggled, her face twisted fiercely, her limbs constantly changing at weird angles, she no longer looked like a human being.

Ji Wuya frowned, glanced at Zhu Yingtian behind him, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw that his injury was not fatal.

"Hmph, you will have no peace in your life, and you will still be harmful if you die." He squinted his eyes and said coldly: "Today, I will let you die!"

"Elder Ji!" At this moment, Zhu Yingtian supported his body, stood up, and said solemnly, "Let me come."


"Yan, it's my emperor. Now that he has become a corpse demon, then... let me send him the last ride." Zhu Yingtian stared at the roaring Zhu Yan, heartbroken, and said in a deep voice: "Yan, this is what your father owes you."

As soon as his figure moved, he immediately punched Zhu Yan's heart.

Zhu Yan trembled suddenly, her eyes became clear, and she stared at Zhu Yingtian closely, "Father... please forgive your children and ministers for unfilial piety."

After speaking, his head tilted and he lost his breath.

Zhu Yingtian hugged Zhu Yan into his arms tightly, with grief and anger in his heart. His second son, who had high hopes in the first place, ended up in this situation, whose fault was it?

Perhaps it was his self-righteousness that actually harmed this poor child.


Suddenly, the blood in Zhu Yingtian's chest surged, his body softened, and he sat down.

"The emperor!" Ji Wuya hurriedly stepped forward to help, and said with a worried look: "How do you feel?"

"Elder Ji, go and support the front line." Zhu Yingtian frowned and said urgently: "My current body can no longer summon the Dragon Army."

"Without the support of the Dragon Army, their situation will be critical."

"But you..."

"I can't die yet!" Zhu Yingtian said with a gloomy face, coldly: "I, I want to avenge my emperor!"

Ji Wuya hesitated, then gritted his teeth, "The emperor, then take care, I will go to support the front."

After speaking, his figure moved quickly to the gate of the city.

At this time, the giant corpse demon roared in rage, stepping on a heavy step, and quickly attacked Chengfeng and them.

Without the suppression of the Dragon Army, they slaughtered wantonly, causing heavy losses to the city guards.

Not only that, the people of the four major families are also dead and wounded.

They simply can't stand such a terrible monster!


There was a violent blast, but a giant corpse demon rushed under the city wall and slammed its punch against the city wall.

Suddenly, a deep hole exploded, and the whole city wall was shaking.

"Attack, attack!!" The guards on the city wall were all confused, and frantically launched an attack on this giant corpse demon.

However, their attacks were completely useless, and could not stop the giant corpse demon from attacking the city wall.

Seeing this, Hu Yanling couldn't help gritting his teeth and said: "Three Patriarchs, we can't let the giant corpse demon break through the city wall. This is our last line. Once it collapses and morale is lost, the corpse demon will wreak havoc in the city."

"Patriarch Huyan, what do you think we can do?" Ouyang Hao curled his lips and said with a mockery: "We are just going to die!"

Hu Yanling frowned, staring at Ouyang Hao deeply, and said coldly: "Patriarch Ouyang, the situation is urgent now, so I can't lose my confidence. If we don't even return hope, how can others stick to it?"

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