"Hmph, you don't go, I'll go!" Ye Canglan didn't talk nonsense, and rushed directly, turning the long sword in his hand and stabbing at the giant corpse demon.

Hu Yanling raised his eyebrows and was too lazy to talk nonsense, and then killed them together.

Chen Tingsheng frowned, glanced at the situation on their side, and then at the giant corpse demon.

According to the current situation, they will be overwhelmed by the corpse demon sooner or later.

The best choice is to lead the Chen family to withdraw from Qinhuai City as soon as possible.

However, they still have a glimmer of hope, that is, the two deans and the elders! !

"Patriarch Huyan, Patriarch Ye, I'll help you!!" Chen Tingsheng gritted his teeth and immediately brandished a big knife and killed him.

Seeing that the three Patriarchs had all gone, Ouyang Hao gritted his teeth and had to go.

At this time, a one-sided situation appeared on the battlefield.

The soldiers of Qinhuai City and the elites of the four major families were all crushed and beaten by the giant corpse demon, and they retracted to the city wall bit by bit.

At the same time, other corpse demons also began to march over, causing tremendous pressure on them.

"Turn turtle, hold on!!" Luo Qi gritted his teeth and shouted solemnly.

I saw that the Tortoise was in front of him, and his whole body was shaking after receiving a punch from the giant corpse demon.

Although Tortoise's defense was amazing, it couldn't cover the overbearing punch of the giant corpse demon.

"Thunder Curse!!" Luo Qi quickly slapped a blue talisman, and the blue talisman instantly turned into thunder and slashed on the giant corpse demon.

However, the powerful thundering curse in the past had no effect on the giant corpse demon, it just made the skin black.

"Red horns, entangle them!!" Chen Muyu yelled, the long whip in his hand wrapped around a giant corpse demon, and red horns tied it together.

"Roar!!" The giant corpse demon screamed and struck abruptly, and the burst of vigor sent the Chili and Chen Muyu out.

"Mu Yu!!" Bai Hang, Huang Lin and others were all surprised when they saw this place.

Faced with such a powerful giant corpse demon, they have no power to fight back!

"Qinglong Jin!!"

At this moment, a violent shout exploded, and a blue dragon flew out from the direction of Qinhuai City, slamming the giant corpse demon that had hit the wall.

"It's Elder Ji!! Elder Ji is here!!"

When everyone saw this blue dragon, they couldn't help cheering.

In the next moment, Ji Wuya rushed over, controlled the Azure Dragon Cauldron, and constantly bombarded these giant corpses!

The Azure Dragon Ding is the magic weapon of the fairy family, its power is amazing, and even the powerful giant corpse monsters have to retreat from the power that bursts out.

With the appearance of Ji Wuya, everyone's minds were encouraged.

All because Ji Wuya is the hero of Zhu Yanguo, the second legend of the Holy Academy, once repelled the frost fangs of the seventh-level monster with one person's power, and saved a city.

His appearance is like a reassurance for everyone.

"Elder Ji, we are here to help you!!" At this moment, a group of figures rushed out of Qinhuai City.

Their bodies exude a powerful aura, and they are the elders of the Holy Academy.

"Elder Feng, Elder Lin, and Elder Mo are all here!!"

"Woo, we can be saved!!"

Several elders jointly attacked and pressed the giant corpse demon's footsteps back again.

"What kind of monsters are these? Why are they so hard?" Elder Lin frowned and said solemnly: "Even my magic weapon can't break their skin!!"

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