"Next, it's time for me to play!" Ye Xuan stepped up and walked out. The surrounding corpses immediately killed each other, swallowed them, and finally turned into an ugly monster, lying on the ground.

Ye Xuan stepped on, his eyes locked on Hu Yan Ruofeng, and the corpse demon beside him roared frantically, as if he was greeting his own king on the march.


Hu Yan Ruofeng frowned and noticed this change. He looked into the distance and just saw Ye Xuan standing on the corpse demon mount.

Ye Xuan drove the ferocious mount and came over here quickly, while the numerous corpse demons separated on the two sides and escorted them.

"I have seen this child." Hu Yan Ruofeng squinted his eyes and said in a deep voice, "If I remember correctly, he is the disciple of Elder Shan, Ye Xuan."

Ye Xuan in the past was just a new born in the third layer of the pill formation stage, but now he has become a strong man who prevents him from showing solemnity.

He couldn't imagine what kind of experience made this child what he is now.

"Child, turn your head back to the shore." Hu Yan Ruofeng's voice spread and fell in front of Ye Xuan's ear.

"Oh, it's the shore when you turn back?" Ye Xuan curled his lips and said mockingly: "If you turn around, you can bring back more than a hundred lives in the Ye family, and you can bring Dad back to life and your mother will be better. Why should I look back?"

Hu Yanruofeng was slightly startled, and couldn't help being silent.

"What's more, you want me to look back?" Ye Xuan's eyes dazzled, and he casually raised his hand, black qi surged out and turned into a black dragon, and rushed towards the spinning blade dragon.

Hu Yanruofeng frowned, and with a thought, the Rotating Blade Flood Dragon turned over and faced the black flood dragon.

A loud bang!

Two dragons, one white and one black, collided, and countless sharp blades flew away, crushing the surrounding corpse demons, and then came towards Qinhuai City.

For a while, several elders and several Patriarchs moved one after another, blocking these sharp blades one by one.

"Dean, can you watch it!" Ji Wuya casually complained, but when he looked forward, he couldn't help being stunned.

The spiral blade flood dragon, which was originally invincible, was actually bitten to pieces by the black flood dragon, and immediately rushed towards Hu Yan Ruofeng without any loss.

"You are an alien!" Hu Yan Ruofeng narrowed his eyes, raised his hands, and stone walls rose up, blocking him.

Boom boom boom!

The black dragon pierced through these stone walls and continued to rush towards Hu Yanruofeng.

"What about the alien?" Ye Xuan looked crazy, this feeling of being full of power and controlling everything was really happy. "As long as you can have a strong power, even if it is to abandon your identity and become an alien, why not?"

Hu Yan Ruofeng shook his head helplessly, Ye Xuan had already embarked on an evil way, completely depraved.

If he is not wrong, Ye Xuan's life has been linked to all the corpse demons present, and his source of power is the numerous corpse demons.

"This is troublesome!" Hu Yan Ruofeng sighed, and then took out a magic shield, stuck it in front of him, and instantly opened a barrier.


The black dragon hit the shield, bursting out with a tyrannical vigor, fluttering Hu Yan Ruofeng's white hair.

However, this shield was very strong, even if it was hit by the black dragon, it was still strong, and it was not easily broken.

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