The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 848: Dean, you are in the middle!

"Huh, do you think a small magic weapon can be resisted?" Ye Xuan's eyes stunned, and the black energy on his body surged, making the black dragon's power even more violent.


Hu Yan Ruofeng's pupils shrank, and the obsidian shield was shattered?

With a bang!

The obsidian shield shattered, and the black flood dragon roared fiercely at him.

"In that case, then..." Hu Yan Ruofeng's eyes sank, and he took out several obsidian shields and stuck them in front of him, "Just a few more!!!"

Boom boom boom!

The black flood dragon hit the obsidian shield, bursting out with roars, and was blocked again.

"Old man, I usually don't have any hobbies, so I like to play some gadgets. Today these gadgets come in handy." Hu Yanruofeng said indifferently.

"Let me take it!!" Zhi Wu widened her eyes and looked at Hu Yan Ruofeng in a daze. "Why did I see the second Luo Qingshen?"

This scene of smashing people with magic weapons was so familiar, it was like the scene where Luo Qinghen thundered and thundered wildly, and also drove the cannon fodder death team to die with the opponent.

"Heh, if the dean concentrates on refining, it is estimated that the first person refining in the Holy Academy is not me." Elder Lin curled his lips and shook his head mockingly.

Huh huh!

Suddenly, everyone looked at him with all eyes.

"What do you guys look at me for?" Elder Lin was staring with a guilty conscience, and said with his neck: "Isn't it?"

"Well, it turns out that Elder Lin is so powerful. It seems that I was deliberately hiding his strength before. Well, I have to talk to Qinghen. I mean, Elder Lin has been teasing him before."

"Hey, don't!" Elder Lin said with a weeping face and depressed: "You kids, can you save some face for the elderly?"



Elder Lin was taken aback for a moment, crying without tears!

"Well, now the first person in the holy academy for refining is the kid Qinghen."

Everyone nodded in satisfaction, and it was indeed the case!

After all, they often saw Elder Lin chasing Qinghen to ask for the experience of the refiner.

At this moment, Elder Bianfeng touched his chin and stepped back silently, but he couldn't be caught by these little guys.

"Look at it!" Suddenly, Bai Hang exclaimed, pointed to the front, and said, "What are those?"

Black air gathered in mid-air and condensed into a black cloud bit by bit.

At the same time, giant corpse demons appeared and stood beside Ye Xuan.

Hu Yanruofeng frowned, and a dangerous premonition surged in his heart. He must make a quick battle to get rid of this Ye Xuan.

"Frozen for thousands of miles!!" He shouted and stomped his feet abruptly. A piece of ice stretched out from his toes, freezing the ground and freezing the surrounding corpses.

At the same time, he raised his hands again and grabbed the black dragon from the air.

Suddenly, the black dragon's body stiffened suddenly, but it was confined by the ground.


With a low drink from him, the black flood dragon was forcibly torn apart.

"Next..." Hu Yan Ruofeng's gaze fell on Ye Xuan's body, but it happened to meet this guy's cunning eyes.

"President, you are in the game!" Ye Xuan curled his lips and raised his hand suddenly...


Black qi bursts into the sky from all around Hu Yan Ruofeng, surrounding him.

At the same time, these black qi were connected with the black cloud in mid-air and turned into a black cage!

"You are already trapped!" Ye Xuan shook his head and said mockingly: "Dean, you stay here, and enjoy the next big show."

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