The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 849: I am a little devil, happy and happy

The black cage exudes a cold breath, suppressing the strength of the wind.

Hu Yanruofeng's eyes shrank, and the momentum on his body became violent, and countless cones of ice condensed and shot out all around.

Boom boom boom!

There was a burst of explosions, even though his attack was fierce, but under the suppression of the black prison, his strength was limited and there was no way to break it.

"Hahaha!" Ye Xuan laughed and said with contempt: "President, you give up. This black prisoner has connected thousands of corpses. Unless you kill them all, you are There is no way to get out of here."

"President!!" Ji Wuya roared angrily, urging the Qinglong Cauldron, and blasting towards the black cage.


Qinglongding crashed into the black cage, and the blue light suddenly appeared, but he was back shocked, and even a counter shock force was transmitted to his body.

"So strong?!" Ji Wuya looked astonished. The strength of this black jail was beyond imagination, making him feel that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't blow it away.

"Elder Ji, you take the other people to leave!" Hu Yanruofeng squinted his eyes and said in a deep voice: "Your strength alone can't stop this alien!"

"Want to go?" Ye Xuan curled his lips, then raised his hand, countless corpse demons screamed.

Heads of giant corpse demons stepped on heavy steps, like a hill, crushed over, and there are many ferocious monsters corpse demons, also rushing over in angrily.

Numerous corpse demons crazily crushed towards Qinhuai City like a tide.

Seeing this scene, everyone was completely desperate!

Unless the Dragon Army comes again, no one in Qinhuai City can withstand this shock.

They couldn't think that Hu Yan Ruofeng would be trapped by Ye Xuan, this was their last hope.

"Hahahaha!!" Ye Xuan laughed wildly, feeling the despair of everyone, and a sense of satisfaction in his heart, "Yes, that's it! Despair and resentment to your heart's content, this is the best food for evil thoughts!!!"

At this moment, a lazy voice sounded, making everyone stunned!

"I'm a little devil~ happy and happy~ left-handed candied haws~ right-handed lollipops~ I love to eat melons in theaters~ I hate to cause trouble~"

This sentence was very light, but like thunderous ears, it shocked everyone's mind.

"This, this is..." Zhi Wu's eyes reddened, and when he raised his eyes, he saw a big flaming bird descending from the sky, and the hot breath was so familiar.

"Tutor Xiaoman!!"

Everyone raised their eyes and saw this big bird full of flames, exuding a scorching breath, and a pretty girl sitting on it.

A sweet smile hung on the corner of her lips, and the two small dimples that emerged were lovely and charming.

"Really a teacher Xiaoman!!"

The people in the Holy Academy were all excited.

They thought Luo Xiaoman was dead, but now the deity descended to the world like a god, why not excited or excited?

"Isn't Luo Xiaoman dead?" Ouyang Hao's pupils shrank and looked at the girl blankly, "Why is she still alive?"

"I knew that Xiaoman would not die!!" Ye Canglan's lips rose slightly, and the dullness in his heart disappeared after seeing Luo Xiaoman. "After all, you little fellow, but the little devil in the world."

When Luo Xiaoman appeared, everyone was surprised and at a loss.

But more of a surprise!

Seeing Luo Xiaoman safe and sound, Cheng Feng's mind was solemn.

At that time, he clearly saw Luo Xiaoman being killed by Long Mai, and even disposing of the body himself. How did she survive?

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