The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 852: I'm coming! Xiaoman's exclusive ultimate move!

"Heh, otherwise you think I only showed up for so long?" Luo Xiaoman shook his head and said helplessly: "In order to find Rakshasa, I took a lot of effort. Starting with the second prince, I followed Zitong all the way to stay. That trace of evil spirits traced to Raksha's hiding place."

"Fortunately, I arrived in time, otherwise he will complain perfectly!"

Ye Xuan staggered, suddenly feeling that even though he was breathing, he was being calculated.

Zitong said that he wanted to leave an evil spirit on Zhu Yan's body. If he failed the assassination, he could still turn into a corpse demon and kill the opponent by surprise.

He agreed!

Think this is a later move.

However, he never expected that when Zhu Yan, who had turned into a corpse demon, was killed, the evil spirit on his body would automatically return to Raksha's body.

This is not an ordinary evil spirit, but a conscious evil spirit separated from Raksha!

However, Luo Xiaoman and Zitong had seen everything, calculated all the possibilities, and cruelly shattered their last hope.

A Luo Xiaoman is scary enough!

Now that a Zitong is added, who can fight them?

"Ah!!!" Ye Xuan whistled sadly, the black energy on his body surged out, and he ordered many corpse demons to raged wildly. "Kill them for me!!"

Luo Xiaoman's eyes narrowed and one flew back, moving away from Ye Xuan.

At the same time, Da Bai also picked up Zitong and flew back to Luo Xiaoman's side.

"Luo Xiaoman..."

"Don't say anything, solve this guy first."

Zitong was startled slightly, then nodded, and said solemnly: "Even though we control Raksha now, Ye Xuan's life is connected with the corpse demon here, and possesses powerful power, which is not good. Deal with."

"Heh, in other words, destroying the corpse demon here is equivalent to destroying him." Luo Xiaoman narrowed his eyes and revealed a sly smile.

"Luo Xiaoman, don't you..."

"Not bad!" Luo Xiaoman slapped Chi Chi and said domineeringly: "I want to crush all these beasts!!"

Suddenly, she touched the black bracelet on her wrist, and the general came out and sat on Chi Chi.

"General Chisha, fit together!!"

Huh? Chi Chi froze for a moment, then became irritable. "Little master, even if you scam you, why did you even scam me?"

Luo Xiaoman pouted, and said with a gloomy expression: "Chi Chi, you are my second largest guardian spirit beast and the most reliable one, don't you want to help me?"

Looking at Shang Luo Xiaoman's unresponsive eyes, Chi Chi's heart instantly softened. "Okay, okay! Sister, please fulfill the wish of the little master!"

Suddenly, Luo Xiaoman jumped on the shoulders of the general, akimbo, and shouted: "General Chisha, give me, blow up these little beasts!!"

The general was sitting on Chi Chi's body, the flames lingering, so that he was also covered with a layer of flames, and he became a flame general, majestic and majestic.

At this time, the general put away four sharp swords and opened all the bullet holes on his body, exposing the black holes.


Following Luo Xiaoman's order, numerous explosive thunders fell from the sky and fell into these corpse demons frenzy, bursting with endless fireworks.

"Come, here!" Seeing this, Bai Hang's eyes were burning, and he said excitedly: "The exclusive killer move of Teacher Xiaoman has appeared!!"

"This is the legendary killer move exclusively for Xiaoman's mentor, and it's inhuman!" Huang Lin screamed with excitement.

"Tsk tusk, do you know what I want to do the most now?" Zhi Wu squinted her eyes and smiled at the crowd.

"Eat melon and watch the show!!"

Luo Xiaoman's student shouted in unison.

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