Boom boom boom!

There was a burst of explosive noise, resounding throughout the battlefield.

Every time Chi Chi dived, a burst of thunder would fall, like a pouring rain, causing these corpse demons to be messed up, completely unable to find North.

"Luo Xiaoman, I don't believe it, you can keep blowing it!" Ye Xuan grimly, staring at Luo Xiaoman flying back and forth in the sky.

The number of corpse demons here can't be blown up by a few blasts.

Still want to destroy them all?

Extremely ridiculous!

Just wait for the explosions to be exhausted, Luo Xiaoman, how do you still play?

At this time, Chi Chi dived, but no explosive thunder fell.

Seeing this, Ye Xuan's eyes lit up, and he sneered, "Is it finally exhausted?"

"Oh, I've been playing, I forgot to supply it." Luo Xiaoman blinked, then snapped his fingers, and piles of thunder and explosions moved out of the Xumi space.

She squinted her eyes and said with a sly look: "Blasting thunder, as much as I want, if one thousand or ten thousand won't work, then one hundred thousand, one million!"

Luo Qinghen: Oh, are you trying to exhaust your second brother?

Boom boom boom!

Soon, another round of thunderstorms came down.

Ye Xuan's face froze, and he looked at Luo Xiaoman blankly.

How is this going?

She had already exhausted the detonation just now, why is there so much?

"Xiao Qi, look at Ye Xuan's stupidity." Zhi Wu, who was watching the show, curled her lips, and said with contempt: "He is waiting for Teacher Xiaoman to consume the thunder."

"Don't he know that there is a second brother who can refine tools behind Teacher Xiaoman?"

"Haha! Let's see how long he can wait!!"

"Yeah! It's so enjoyable. We have been pressed by these corpses just now. Now we can stand aside and watch the show."

Everyone looked relaxed.

However, they all seem to have overlooked a problem.

When did Luo Qinghen prepare for so many explosions?

Lingbao Pavilion.

"Senior Ring Spirit, I have just refined a batch of Explosive Thunder here, please transfer it to Xiaoman."

"no problem!"

Suddenly, another batch of explosive thunder was taken out and sent to Luo Xiaoman's side.

"The material is not enough!" Luo Qinghen sank again to refine the explosion, but found that the material was not enough.

Suddenly, he withdrew from the Lingbao Pavilion and shouted to the people around him: "Hurry up and send the materials!!"

"Send materials!"

The shouts of the crowd, one by one, spread throughout Longi City.

Suddenly, under Yan Yang's call, materials from the entire city were collected and sent to Luo Qinghen.

Luo Qinghen used these materials again to refine batches of explosive thunders at an extremely fast speed.

With such strong support, Luo Xiaoman's explosive thunders can be said to be endless, enough to blow up all the corpses here! !

Ye Xuan, who didn't know the situation, was more frightened as he watched, and his face became uglier as he watched.

If this continues, I am afraid that all the corpse demons here will be wiped out, and their own strength will be greatly reduced.

"Stop her for me!!"

Following Ye Xuan's violent drink, the giant corpse demons grabbed the rocks on the ground and threw them frantically at Luo Xiaoman.

"Oh? Did you finally know the counterattack?" Luo Xiaoman raised his eyebrows, and the corners of his lips raised slightly.


Following Luo Xiaoman's shout, Da Bai on the ground rushed over.

His figure kept swelling, and eventually became the original Beastmaster Bai Ze, exuding a threatening power.

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