The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 858: Finally calculated once!

Seeing Luo Xiaoman so playful, Hu Yan Ruofeng couldn't help being laughed, his tone revealed a touch of doting, and said: "Wait when I go back, I will make another batch for you."


"Luo Xiaoman!" At this moment, Zitong walked over and said solemnly: "Don't relax, things are not over yet."

"Huh?" Luo Xiaoman turned around and looked at Zitong with a puzzled look.

"Look at the front." Zitong raised his head, and saw that all the corpses in front of him were all gathered together, seeming to be called by something.

"What's going on?" Luo Xiaoman saw this scene, then looked at Ye Xuan on the ground, "What are you doing..."

"Wait!" Suddenly, she remembered something, her eyes swept around, but Ye Tianming was not seen.

"Ha ha ha!" Ye Xuan laughed miserably, his eyes flashed with crazy colors, "I have calculated you all once."

"The jade bottle just now is fake." He grinned and said hoarsely: "I have returned the real thing to the big brother and let him complete the last step."

"Ye Tianming has hit the Soul Control Mark in my Divine Sense Mark. If I don't unlock it, he will keep losing his mind." Luo Xiaoman squinted his eyes and stared at Ye Xuan coldly. "What did you do to him?"

"Nothing." Ye Xuan's smile became more and more weird, and more and more miserable, "I just extracted the soul of the big brother and made him a puppet!!"

Luo Xiaoman took a breath, which she didn't expect.

She didn't expect Ye Xuan to come to this point, and actually pumped her elder brother's soul to release her control, and then used Ye Tianming as a breakthrough to complete Raksha's final complaint.

It must be when he became a meat ball, he went underground and finished all the arrangements.


At this time, a burst of anger blew up, and a soul shadow emerged from the corpse demon, constantly absorbing the surrounding resentment.

When everyone saw this evil thought, their hearts trembled. They felt all kinds of negative emotions, which were constantly impacting their hearts.

"Become a general, rebuild the barrier immediately!!" Hu Yan Ruofeng shouted: "Elder Ji, Elder Lin, Elder Feng, and Elder Mo, please join with other mentors to strengthen the barrier."

"Under the influence of evil thoughts, ordinary city dwellers will lose their minds and attack others!!"


At this moment, a cry of pain came from Qinhuai City, and a riot came.

"Speed!!" Hu Yan was in a hurry, and the power of the evil thought in front of him was unprecedentedly strong, and the mere grievances emanating from him were enough to drive ordinary people into madness.

"Xiaoman, let me stop him."

"it is good!!"

Hu Yan Ruofeng's figure moved and rushed towards Luosha.

Luo Xiaoman yelled, and Da Bai rushed over, carrying her closely behind Hu Yan Ruofeng.

"Chi Chi, burn him!!"

"To understanding!"

Chi Chi let out a long cry, dived violently, and rushed towards Xie Nian with a hot flame.

"Roar!!" At this moment, Rakshasa reacted, and a group of figures flew up, blocking Chi Chi's.

After the flames of Chi Chi burned all the corpses in the way, a pitch-black hand came over and grabbed her.

"Hmph, sister, you can catch it, can you catch it?" Chi Chi snorted coldly, his eyes condensed, and the flames on his body burst out violently, as if half the sky had been burned red!

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