However, this black hand actually ignored the burning of the flames, and grabbed the flames tumbling Chi Chi.

what? !

Chi Chi's pupils shrank and looked at Raksha in shock. Is this guy crazy?

It is not that her flames are not strong, but that these guys have forcibly caught themselves at the cost of burning countless grievances.

On this main battlefield, Rakshasa lacks most grievance.

"Hey!!" Chi Chi let out a long whistle, wanting to continue to release his own flame and break free.

However, Raksha's hand tightened, squeezing the flames from her body to explode.

"Chi Chi!!" Luo Xiaoman's heart trembled, and he urged Da Bai to speed up.

"Little Master, don't come here!!" Chi Chi struggled and said loudly: "He is not an ordinary evil thought, with our current strength, he is not his opponent!!"

With a bang!

Raksha raised his hand and suddenly pressed Chi Chi to the ground.

"Asshole!!!" Luo Xiaoman yelled violently, leaped forward, raised his hand and grabbed the big hammer, "Dare to hurt my Chichi, hammer you!!"


A tyrannical aura stirred up on the big hammer.

"Three forms of breaking the dome, the first form, falling marks!!" Luo Xiaoman raised the big hammer with both hands, and then slammed it hard at Raksha.

Suddenly, a huge hammer shadow appeared in the sky, with an overbearing power, crushing towards Rakshasa.

Raksha screamed angrily, clenched his fist suddenly, and banged against the big hammer.

There was a loud bang!

Qi vigorously sent Luo Xiaoman back.

Dabai made a sudden stop and hurriedly chased him up, catching Luo Xiaoman.

"This guy actually broke the trail?!" Luo Xiaoman looked at Raksha with shock.

The current Rakshasa is not in the most perfect state. If he becomes a perfect state, they will not be able to resist it.

"Ice-bound for thousands of miles!!" Hu Yanruofeng yelled, a little bit, countless frost covering the ground, extending all the way to seal the corpse demon frenzy ahead.

However, as soon as his frost touched that resentment, it was shattered by an earthquake.

"Spinning Blade Flood Dragon!!" Hu Yan Ruofeng did not stop, and continuously used his ultimate move to attack Raksha.

"Roar!!" Raksha screamed, and the resentment on his body broke out, and the frost and the spiral blade flood dragon were shattered.

"Hahahaha." Seeing the violent Rakshasa, Ye Xuan smiled slyly, "The Rakshasa now is no longer the Rakshasa before. You will all die in his hands."

"Then..." He struggled hard, his eyes ignited madness, "I will use myself as a sacrifice to let Raksha complete the last step."

"Raksha, from now on, you will be the strongest evil thought in this world. Please take me and the resentment of elder brother and destroy all this."


A dagger pierced Ye Xuan's heart.

He trembled all over, looked back at Zitong and smiled miserably, "Do you think that killing me can stop Rakshasa?"

Zitong frowned and drew his dagger abruptly, "It seems that what you sacrificed was not life, but... your own resentment!"

"Hahaha, you are right." Ye Xuan coughed up blood, his breath weakened, "Unfortunately, there is no award!"


A resentment came out of Ye Xuan's body and flew towards Luosha.

Immediately afterwards, his body fell heavily to the ground, completely cut off from life.

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