"However, I am now the most perfect evil thought. It won't be long before I can break free from obsession and regain a new life." Raksha said proudly.

"I understand." Hu Yanruofeng nodded, suddenly his eyes sank, and countless ice cones instantly condensed and shot towards the nearby Rakshasa. "So, I will be an obstacle to your rebirth."

Raksha's pupils shrank, and the resentment on his body immediately poured out, blocking these ice cones.

"I can't help myself!"

When the voice fell, he clenched his fist and banged his fist on Hu Yanruofeng's stomach.

Suddenly, Hu Yanruofeng flew out with his whole body.

With a bang.

He crashed into a mountain forest, lost sight of him, life and death.

Luo Sha's eyes turned to Qinhuai City, and his figure moved in front of the barrier instantly.

"It's over!!" Zhi Wu raised his eyes and looked at the tall figure, shaking inexplicably, telling him instinctively that as long as the other party thinks, one finger can kill him.

"Don't panic, everyone! Our enchantment is blessed by the deputy dean and several elders. It is impossible for him to rush in." A student swallowed and comforted.

"Really?" Luo Sha tilted his head, raised his hand, and grabbed the barrier.

Immediately afterwards, in front of everyone, he tore the barrier alive.

That's right!

Not crushed, but tore a hole.

Everyone was dumbfounded, and didn't know how to react. They just felt a chill filled their bodies.

"Rosa, your target is me, right?" Luo Xiaoman looked at him calmly.

"Yes! I have the deepest resentment for you. Kill you and I will be able to regain a new life." Luo Sha squinted Luo Xiaoman and said coldly.

"Well, then you..." Luo Xiaoman's eyes drenched, and then he rushed out, "Come after me!!"

Luo Sha was stunned slightly, unexpectedly Luo Xiaoman had just entered the barrier and ran out again.

"Dying struggling!" He said coldly, and then his figure moved and chased after him.

Luo Xiaoman hurriedly ran up to the general, "General, throw me out now, the farther the better!"

Suddenly, the general arrested her.

The general opened his arms, and then suddenly threw Luo Xiaoman out.

This throw was extremely fast, and instantly separated from Rakshasa.

She was only thinking about trying to lead Raksha away from Qinhuai City as much as possible and give everyone a chance to evacuate.

"He shouldn't chase..."

Before finishing talking, a figure stood in front of Luo Xiaoman, it was Rakshasa!

Luo Xiaoman turned around, unloaded the force, and landed on the ground.

"Can't escape?"


"Okay." Luo Xiaoman shrugged and said lightly: "That can only be done. But..."


"The person who wants to go on is not me." Luo Xiaoman grinned, showing a sly smile, "but... him!"

Raksha was slightly startled, and suddenly heard a sound of piano.


The sound of the piano is clear, sultry and dazzling.

However, Rakshasa felt a palpitation.

"Who is it?" He turned around abruptly, and a piano sound just passed by, turning into a sharp blade, cutting off his arm.

what? !

Perfect, he was cut off an arm instantly by a sharp blade?

"You scared her, so you **** it." A low voice sounded, and Raksha suddenly raised his eyes, and saw a man wearing black flowing clothes and holding a glazed guqin, slowly falling from the sky...

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