The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 863: You are not worthy to die under the Liuli Guqin!

He had a black hair without wind, and the black cloak turned lightly, and it was vaguely visible that there was a white monster tattoo on it, delicate feathers, and Shenjun's face, which brought out his awe-inspiring evil spirit.

"Master Mo Yuan is back!!"

Seeing him falling from the sky, everyone couldn't help getting excited.

In their impression, Mo Yuan's strength has always been super strong, he is the invincible killer **** next to Xiaoman's teacher, and now he has come here like a **** of heaven, which undoubtedly brought them hope.

"Look at it!"

At this moment, Bai Hang exclaimed and saw countless figures in front of him.

These people were dressed in red robes and exuded a fierce aura, rushing over here.

"It's the evil spirit!! It's the evil spirit's people who have killed it!!"

"What's going on? Is it true that the evil spirits want to get into trouble?"

"Damn it! We haven't solved the corpse demon yet, but they came out and missed it!"

Everyone looked angry. They thought that Master Mo Yuan could repel Rakshasa when he returned, and then work together to solve the remaining corpse demons.

As a result, the evil spirit suddenly came out and hit them by surprise.

"Wait!" Suddenly, Huang Lin's pupils shrank and exclaimed, "Demon Sha and Zombie Fighting?"

"Really!!" The crowd widened their eyes, looking at the evil spirit in front of them in disbelief, fighting with the corpse evil spirit.

Demon Sha's strength is superb, and he seems to be very restrained from the corpse demon, completely in a crushing state.

Not only that, in these evil spirits, there is actually the figure of the palace lord of the evil spirit twelve palaces, but they suppressed the giant corpse monsters.

"No?! The vicious evil spirit came to help us?"

Although it is incredible, the scene that happened before us actually happened!


At this time, a sultry sound of the piano drew everyone's attention back to Mo Yuan's body.

Mo Yuan's eyes were piercing, his slender fingers shook the strings, and the sound of the piano was rippling, turning into sharp blades, flying towards the Rakshasa.

"Huh!" Luo Sha's pupils shrank, and he quickly avoided, then his figure moved and appeared behind Mo Yuan.

"Damn it, it's you!"

Mo Yuan looked indifferent, not afraid of Raksha's sneak attack.

Suddenly, a red light shone and shot towards the back of Rakshasa.

Raksha's heart was shocked, and he had to withdraw his hand to avoid the red light.

Mo Yuan put away the glazed guqin, raised his hand to grasp the red light, but it was a sharp sword full of crimson.

He turned around and looked at Raksha indifferently, "You are not worthy to die under the Liuli Guqin."

"What!?" Raksha's heart burst into anger, "Then you let me see, what qualifications do you have to say this?"

He raised his hand, countless grievances scattered, gathered into a grimace, and flew towards Mo Yuan.

As soon as Mo Yuan's figure moved, his hair faltered, and he instantly appeared behind Rakshasa.

At the same time, Yan Yu in his hand gently cut off Raksha's other arm.

"In front of the devil, your evil thoughts are just the most inferior existence." His voice was low, like the voice of the king of Hell announcing the death of the opponent.

"You, you are a demon?!" Raksha's heart tightened, and he couldn't help panicking.

In this world, there are immortals and demons.

They are powerful beings above other creatures.

Resentment originates from the obsession of beings, how can it surpass the devilish energy?

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