The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 864: Immortal Family Couple

Mo Yuan did not respond to Raksha, squinting his eyes slightly, and Yan Prison in his hand turned slightly.


Yan Yu's red light flashed and penetrated Luo Sha's heart.

Raksha's eyes widened, and his expression became horrified. The devil, isn't it all in the muddled demon world? Why does it appear in the world?

However, before he could sort out his clues, a horrible suction suddenly broke out, and he wanted to absorb all his grievances.

"This is... the blood emperor's magic weapon?"

"Do you know him?" Mo Yuan was startled slightly, looking at Raksha somewhat unexpectedly.

"He, he was the first killer of the year." Luo Sha was full of horror. When he was a little evil, he had seen the blood emperor once.

The meeting at that moment almost didn't scare myself away.

However, isn't he the only one who can use the blood emperor's Yan prison?

Why can this boy use it?

"Are you the blood emperor?" Luo Sha widened his eyes, and it was a demon who could use Yan Prison. What was the reincarnation of the blood emperor?

Mo Yuan shook his head, Yan Yu in his hand became more violent, and said indifferently, "He is my subordinate."

"No!!!" Raksha roared, struggling constantly, but the power that Yan Pri broke out made him unable to break free.

He finally turned from a small evil evil spirit into the strongest evil thought.

Now, it will turn into nothingness!

He is not reconciled!

However, the opponent is a demon, his nemesis.

Even if his strength is stronger than the opponent, but under this kind of natural restraint, there is no way to fully display it.

"I can not be reconciled!!"

Following Raksha's roar, his body immediately turned into resentment and was swallowed by Yan Prison.

With a scream, Mo Yuan gathered Yan Prison, his eyes were calm, as if he had done an insignificant thing.


Suddenly, a playful voice came, causing ripples in Mo Yuan's calm and unwavering eyes.

He turned around and met a pair of clear eyes.

"you are back!"

Mo Yuan nodded, then lifted up his steps and walked towards Luo Xiaoman.

Suddenly, he paused again, but took out a hair band, folded the loose ink hair with both hands, and tied it up with a pony tail.

After doing all this, he walked over nervously.

"I am back."

I came back with this sound, as if it had passed countless days and moons, and through countless time and space, before it came out of his mouth.

However, after saying this sentence, Mo Yuan was relieved.

Suddenly, Luo Xiaoman ran over and hugged Mo Yuan, "Welcome back!"

Mo Yuan was startled slightly, feeling the embrace of this petite figure, his heart gradually became hot, "Actually, you can kill Rakshasa..."

"Hmm..." Luo Xiaoman raised his head and smiled at Mo Yuan, "Because I miss you!"

Mo Yuan was startled, the tension in his heart disappeared instantly with this sentence.

He slightly tightened Luo Xiaoman in his arms, leaning over her ear, "So, I'm back."

"Wow!! This is going to torture us young people who are pregnant!!" Bai Hang bit his finger and was blown up by the scene before him.

Not only him, but the other teenagers and girls who are still cherishing the spring, also looked at Luo Xiaoman and Mo Yuan with scorching eyes.

This is simply a model of heroes saving beauty!

"Instructor Xiaoman and Master Mo Yuan are really a perfect match!"

"Uuuuu, where is the person I am in love with? Come out and hug me quickly, otherwise, I will be sorely killed!"

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