The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 939: What use do I keep without you in the world?


This hammer blasted the man into flight.

The man's body slammed into the wall behind him heavily, and the terrifying impact caused cracks in the wall to appear centered on him.

However, after receiving such a heavy blow, this man stood up again, and the damaged parts of his body healed little by little.

"Yuan, it's no way to go on like this." Luo Xiaoman frowned, and said solemnly: "It seems I have to resort to a killer move!"

Mo Yuan glanced at Luo Xiaoman, knowing his heart, and then rushed towards the man with a move.

At the same time, Luo Xiaoman held the big hammer with both hands, and the true essence in his body continued to flow out and merged into the big hammer.

At this time, her sea of ​​qi rolled up into a whirlpool, frantically containing overbearing power!


A tyrannical aura rippled out of Luo Xiaoman's body, twitching her clothes and two braids, looking heroic.

Mo Yuan felt this aura and rushed towards the man more quickly, and then he instantly appeared behind him.

The man was about to turn around and punched Mo Yuan.

However, Mo Yuan had already imprisoned him from behind.

The man struggled, trying to break free from Mo Yuan's confinement, but Mo Yuan's power was overbearing, and he was stupefied.

"Three styles of breaking the dome, the first style, falling marks!"

Luo Xiaoman's eyes sank, he raised the big hammer abruptly and slammed it down at the man.

At the moment the big hammer fell, Mo Yuan released the man, and he escaped from the attack range of the drop mark.

The tacit understanding between the two of them no longer requires words to communicate. With just one look or one action, they can work together seamlessly.

Boom! !

The entire space trembles under this hammer.

The horrible aura vigorously spread, as if to destroy everything around him.

"Yuan, did you accidentally kill this scumbag?" Luo Xiaoman frowned. Seeing this posture, he couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"Be careful!" Suddenly, Mo Yuan flew over, hugged Luo Xiaoman and snatched it aside.

At this moment, a cold light flickered, violently passing through the location where Luo Xiaoman was just now, and submerged on a wall behind.

"How is it possible?" Luo Xiaoman widened his eyes and looked at the man with a shocked look on his face, standing up again.

The twisted parts of his body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Xiaoman, it seems that we can't do any harm to him in an ordinary way." Mo Yuan's eyebrows were solemn, and he whispered, "Should we change the way?"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Luo Xiaoman, his eyes were hot, full of expectation.

Luo Xiaoman stunned slightly, facing the hot eyes of Shang Mo Yuan, the tip of his heart trembled, and he subconsciously said, "Yuan, what will happen to you if I am gone?"

Mo Yuan's pupils shrank, and a sharp cold light flashed, "I will go to you."

His tone was firm, no doubt, "Even if you want to turn over these three realms and six ways, even if it is exhausted, I will find you!"

"Because there is no world without you, and there is no meaning for me to exist."

Luo Xiaoman's heart trembled, and the corners of his lips rose slightly, "Yuan, when did you become so provocative? But... I like it!"

"..." Mo Yuan was slightly lost, and suddenly a crisis exploded. He instinctively took Luo Xiaoman into his arms, then turned around and flashed away.

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