Boom boom boom!

Strong punches fell on the wall behind, blasting holes.

Seeing these holes, Mo Yuan's eyebrows frowned, "Little Man, it seems that this guy's attack will become stronger and stronger as time goes by!"

"Or, I should take out the Liuli Guqin!"

"No need." Luo Xiaoman shook his head and said calmly: "I have found a way to crack it."


"Yuan, buy me some time."

"it is good!"

Without saying anything, Mo Yuan let go of Luo Xiaoman and greeted the man.

Luo Xiaoman took a deep breath, his eyes gleamed with a strange light...

Mo Yuan held Yan Prison and constantly attacked the man, and the attack of the man became stronger and fiercer.

"Sword bite!!" Mo Yuan yelled, Yan Yu suddenly shot, turning into a red sword light, and instantly penetrated the man's chest.

However, the man didn't pause, he greeted him directly, and hit his chest with a punch.


Mo Yuan's brow furrowed, Yan Pri was raised horizontally, and he blocked his chest, just to catch the punch.

A loud bang!

The power of this fist erupted, and through Yan Prison, Mo Yuan was shaken out.

"You, abuse me! I, right now, I'm not happy at all!" The man made a hoarse voice, his figure moved, and he chased Mo Yuan, "Since you are so incompetent, then let me abuse you."

"Oh?" A contemptuous voice sounded. Luo Xiaoman stood in front of Mo Yuan and looked at the man mockingly. "You are very upset by the abuse of us, right?"

The man slammed his foot, tilted his head stiffly, and looked at Luo Xiaoman blankly.

"If that's the case, then... I'll give you something cruel." Luo Xiaoman hooked the corners of his lips, his eyes gleaming with a mysterious light.


At this moment, a familiar voice rang in the man's ear.

The man's mind trembled, and when he turned around, he saw a slim figure standing in front of him.

"Hehe, why do you look sluggish? Is it that I am fascinated by you today?" Xingxuan looked at Xiyue with a smile on his back.

"Xingxuan..." Xiyue raised her hand, trying to touch the woman in front of her.

Suddenly, Luo Xiaoman appeared behind Xingxuan, his eyes gleaming with cold divine light, "Is this what you want?"


Luo Xiaoman held a dagger in his hand and pierced Xingxuan's heart.

Star Swirl widened her eyes, raised her hand, trying to hold Xiyue, "Help, help me!!"

"Sorry! Immortal Xingxuan, you made such a joke for us, this is the price you paid for it!!" Luo Xiaoman looked cold, and then suddenly drew out his dagger.

Suddenly, a puff of blood splashed out and splashed on Xiyue's face.

Xiyue's pupils shrank, and her face was shocked. Her body couldn't help shaking from an earthquake, and her throat made a roaring sound, "No!!!"


There was a burst of cracks, and there were cracks in Xiyue's original indestructible body.

As the cracks grew more and more, his whole body eventually scattered all over the place, turning into a pile of yellow sand.

"Huh, that's it!" Luo Xiaoman pouted and couldn't help looking relaxed.

"Xiaoman, this..." Mo Yuan frowned slightly, looking at the pile of yellow sand on the ground with a look of surprise.

Why did the man who was still very difficult to deal with just ended up suddenly?

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