"Yuan, although I don't know what happened between Xingxuan and Xiyue, what is certain is that Xiyue has loved Xingzuan so deeply." Luo Xiaoman sighed and said quietly: "If I'm not mistaken, this Star Swirl Cave Mansion should have been built by Yuzuki himself. The layout inside contains the love for Star Swirl."

Whether it is the gate of the nave, or this star-scarred magic weapon, Xiyue's careful thoughts about Star Swirl are hidden.

A man and a woman imply that they will watch each other and never be separated, while the meaning of the star mark is to travel all over the world with you.

It's just that there must be some misunderstanding between the two of them that caused Xingxuan to become hateful because of love, and hate Xiyue deeply.

This can be seen from the fact that Luo Xiaoman killed Xingxuan's phantom just now, but caused Xiyue to collapse.

Only the deeper you love you, the deeper you will be hurt when you lose you, the heart-breaking, and the suspicion of life.

Abuse of the body and the heart, only the heart can be truly abused to a person.

Luo Xiaoman stepped up and walked towards the star mark.

Seeing this special magic weapon, her heart was full of excitement. As long as she had the star marks, she would be able to wave everywhere.

Luo Xiaoman raised his hand and grabbed the star mark. "Yuan, let's go."

Suddenly, she grabbed Mo Yuan's hand, her heart moved, and the star mark lit up with a light, covering the two of them.

There was a rustle.

Both Luo Xiaoman and Mo Yuan disappeared in place.




A loud horn sounded.

Hongnan's army stomped heavy and marched towards the camp where Zhu Yanguo's army was stationed.

At the forefront of the army, there were all iron knights wearing heavy armor and riding on the same heavy armor.

Their aura is like a rainbow, and every step they fall, they seem to be able to make a big earthquake shake!

At this moment, Zhu Changsheng furrowed his brows and looked solemn, discussing plans to withdraw from the enemy with many soldiers.

"His Royal Highness, this time Hongnan Kingdom is going to fight it out." Commander Lu frowned and said solemnly: "They transferred Hongnan Kingdom's strongest army, Magic Cavalry!"

Zhu Changsheng squeezed his eyebrows. He knew very well that the magic cavalry was powerful. This was the strongest elite of Hongnan Kingdom and possessed unparalleled charge ability.

Whether it is a rider or a mount, they are all covered with heavy armor.

They took advantage of the powerful physique of Warcraft to carry these weights, and when they faced each other, they were crushed like a small mountain.

However, just relying on their equipment in the frontier, there is no way to withstand the charge of the magic knight.

As for Hong Nanguo who didn't call Mo Qi before, he didn't want to pay too much. After all, dispatching Mo Qi would consume too much resources.

However, now that Zhu Yanguo controls the Immortal Cave Mansion, his strength must be greatly increased.

In order to prevent Zhu Yanguo from rising through this, Hong Nanguo had to use the strongest elite to suppress the opponent.

"Brother Huang, it is too late to dispatch troops from the imperial city. However, with our current military strength, I am afraid that the magic cavalry can't stop the charge." Zhu Ying said solemnly: "Perhaps, we can find Hong Southland negotiations?"

"Impossible!" Zhu Changsheng shook his head, and said in a deep voice: "To negotiate with Hong Nanguo, the other party will definitely have the idea of ​​Xianling Dongfu. However, we don't have the Xianling Dongfu at all now. How do you think we can talk? "

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