The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 945: The magic ride charges, crushes everything


At this moment, the earth worm screamed, and the power of the superiors agitated, allowing these horses to settle down instantly.

"Hmph, these magic knights are only relying on the power of monsters to be so powerful." Zhi Wu squinted her eyes and said coldly: "His Royal Highness, I will rush up first, with the pressure of the earth worm. Shock these magic knights."

"At that time, you will take advantage of the turmoil of the demon riding and support it. Whether these guys can be stopped, it depends on our good fortune."

Zhu Changsheng nodded, and said in a deep voice, "Brother Zhiwu, have some work!"

Zhi Wu curled her lips, and then patted the soil worm. "Uncle Earth worm, our situation will be very dangerous this time. But we can't persuade us, right?"

"Roar!!" Tu Jia screamed, then rushed out.

A flame ignited on his body, constantly surging, and condensed into the shape of a fierce roaring monster in midair.

For a time, many magic knights were frightened, and the formation began to appear chaotic.

Zhi Wu's eyes lit up, and then he said arrogantly: "Huh, Moqi? Sorry, you are all scum in front of me!"

Seeing the chaos of Moqi's formation, Meng Zhong's eyes sank, but he didn't panic.

"Hmph, do you think we didn't expect this situation?" He said coldly: "The demons ride the order, use the wild beast pill!!"

Suddenly, many magic horses took out a pill and fed it to their mounts.

As these monsters swallowed the wild beast pill, their minds immediately stabilized, reorganized their formation, and continued to charge towards Zhu Yanguo.


Zhi Wu's expression froze, and he didn't expect that the other party still had something like Mad Beast Pill.

This means that the coercion of the soil can not deter these monsters.

"Fuck you!!" Zhi Wu yelled, just as everyone thought he was going to kill him desperately, but suddenly turned around, "His Royal Highness, please support!"

Zhu Changsheng's mouth twitched. Is this guy funny? I was very arrogant just now, so I was stunned right now, and shamelessly shouted for support!

"All the soldiers listen to the order, charge!!" Zhu Changsheng gritted his teeth and did not dare to delay. Even if he was not an opponent, he could only bite the bullet.

Suddenly, the soldiers shouted and greeted the three thousand magic horses.

However, compared with the aura of the magic cavalry, even though Zhu Yanguo has a large number of troops, he has lost a lot of momentum.

Boom boom boom!

Finally, the two armies clashed.

Three thousand magic horses, like a sharp sword, penetrated the charge of Zhu Yanguo's army, disrupting their formation with a strong posture.

Seeing this, Meng Zhong's eyes lit up and he shouted: "All the soldiers obey the orders, kill me!!"

Suddenly, Hongnan's army was on the whole line, and they were like a tide, surrounding the scattered army of Zhu Yanguo.

Seeing this, Zhu Changsheng's heart was cold. If there was no way to reorganize the army, they would definitely be besieged and killed by Hongnan's army.

However, the opponent's magic cavalry kept rushing on his side, and there was no chance to reorganize the formation.

"The soldiers listened to the order, ten people formed an array, restrained a magic horse, and the others followed and supported." At this moment, Yingxue said in a loud voice, orderly arranging the formation of the soldiers.

When her order was delivered, the soldiers immediately started to move, and a group of ten people formed a simple camp to contain a magic horse.

With the emergence of this formation, the magic knight who had charged unscrupulously was finally restrained.

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